Referral Form

Hello everyone,

I am 43 and currently being referrred for an ASD assessment. I know the road ahead is long but I am so hoping there'll be some answers at the end of it.

The GP send me a checklist for the referral and there is the part someone who knew me as a child has to fill in.

My question is what is the age range to consider for that form? Some questions my mum would tick different answers for pre and post teenage years. We disagree on some issues obviously but I am a bit thrown by the immense range of "childhood" that little ticklist is meant to cover. It also leaves no options to consider masking issues.

How have you all handled this one?

Thank you so much and it is fab to be here.


  • If the form is the same one my mum filled out I think some of the questions specifically asked about what I was like at aged 2 or 3. In the telephone interview my mum was asked a lot about what I was like in the pre school years. I think they like to focus on as early as possible for the relatives questionnaire.

    My mum wasn't really asked about what I was like during my teenage years but I was asked some questions about that time during one of my diagnostic interviews.

    There was a question at the end of the relatives questionnaire asking if concerns had been raised by teachers / health visitors. I guess anything that was on your school reports could be added there.

    If you think that your mum is not likely to be supportive then it may be well worth considering the option not to complete that part of the form. There was a post on here recently regarding a bad experience of the process.

  • If the form is the same one my mum filled out I think some of the questions specifically asked about what I was like at aged 2 or 3. In the telephone interview my mum was asked a lot about what I was like in the pre school years. I think they like to focus on as early as possible for the relatives questionnaire.

    My mum wasn't really asked about what I was like during my teenage years but I was asked some questions about that time during one of my diagnostic interviews.

    There was a question at the end of the relatives questionnaire asking if concerns had been raised by teachers / health visitors. I guess anything that was on your school reports could be added there.

    If you think that your mum is not likely to be supportive then it may be well worth considering the option not to complete that part of the form. There was a post on here recently regarding a bad experience of the process.

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