
There is something I noticed both on RL ASD and on the online ASD I met: total naivety. Almost all ASD act and think like they never interacted with the grit of the real world. Some of them can be quite smart and learned, but their way of thinking is 95% theory and propaganda and maybe 5% observable reality. I always ended throwing my hands up and going away, there is no point in trying to relate to somebody living in a different planet.  I really wonder how they managed to reach adult age, they were so incredibly vulnerable that they could not survive in a real job environment. No wonder why the vast majority of ASD are either unemployed or underemployed, and why 80% of ASD live with their parents or in a council housing.

Sometimes I had to talk with an ASD with passable intelligence, but I had to talk with them like I was talking with a five years old. I had to say things like: "Mate, they have scammed you, the planned that from the start" or "Mate, they are not laughing with you, they are laughing AT you". It was like talking to a wall, they did not listen.

On the contrary, I think that naivety is the only thing that keeps many ASD alive. Probably they are just too naive and isolated from the real world to understand how bad the world really is. I pride myself of not being naive, but that puts me apart from the vast majority of the ASD.  Maybe it was because I was not aware of my diagnosis and I had to live like an NT for all my life? By the way, I wonder how many of the locals here have a real house and a real job. I bet less than 10%.

I would really like to have an idea about that. How many of the people I interacted with here are unemployed, living on benefits or SAHM?

  • People have been far too polite. Your post is offensive and ignorant. To say that you saw several people die and felt nothing but contempt suggests a co-morbility with narcissism NPD or psychopathy. Don't come onto posts boards designed to offer support and speak about people in that manner - it's inappropriate and rude and you're upsetting people with varying levels of vulnerability. I don't care what someone's diagnoses is, there's no excuse for abusive or baiting posts. I'm beyond shocked that admins haven't blocked you. As someone who's dealt with and healed from narcissistic abuse (you see, the grit of the world) I have zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour. If it's toxic you remove it, very simple. 

  • People have been far too polite. Your post is offensive and ignorant. To say that you saw several people die and felt nothing but contempt suggests a co-morbility with narcissism NPD or psychopathy. Don't come onto posts boards designed to offer support and speak about people in that manner - it's inappropriate and rude and you're upsetting people with varying levels of vulnerability. I don't care what someone's diagnoses is, there's no excuse for abusive or baiting posts. I'm beyond shocked that admins haven't blocked you. As someone who's dealt with and healed from narcissistic abuse (you see, the grit of the world) I have zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour. If it's toxic you remove it, very simple. 

  • Your post is offensive and ignorant.

    Is it me or is it odd that this is the second user with no posting history to post a near identical attack here?

    There is the similar strong content, similar style, the same absence of syntax and the same personal attacks from someone claiming to have suffered.

    This is not to diminish what they say, but the style suggests they are targetting JD.
