
There is something I noticed both on RL ASD and on the online ASD I met: total naivety. Almost all ASD act and think like they never interacted with the grit of the real world. Some of them can be quite smart and learned, but their way of thinking is 95% theory and propaganda and maybe 5% observable reality. I always ended throwing my hands up and going away, there is no point in trying to relate to somebody living in a different planet.  I really wonder how they managed to reach adult age, they were so incredibly vulnerable that they could not survive in a real job environment. No wonder why the vast majority of ASD are either unemployed or underemployed, and why 80% of ASD live with their parents or in a council housing.

Sometimes I had to talk with an ASD with passable intelligence, but I had to talk with them like I was talking with a five years old. I had to say things like: "Mate, they have scammed you, the planned that from the start" or "Mate, they are not laughing with you, they are laughing AT you". It was like talking to a wall, they did not listen.

On the contrary, I think that naivety is the only thing that keeps many ASD alive. Probably they are just too naive and isolated from the real world to understand how bad the world really is. I pride myself of not being naive, but that puts me apart from the vast majority of the ASD.  Maybe it was because I was not aware of my diagnosis and I had to live like an NT for all my life? By the way, I wonder how many of the locals here have a real house and a real job. I bet less than 10%.

I would really like to have an idea about that. How many of the people I interacted with here are unemployed, living on benefits or SAHM?

  • Your post is offensive and ignorant.

    Is it me or is it odd that this is the second user with no posting history to post a near identical attack here?

    There is the similar strong content, similar style, the same absence of syntax and the same personal attacks from someone claiming to have suffered.

    This is not to diminish what they say, but the style suggests they are targetting JD.


  • People have been far too polite. Your post is offensive and ignorant. To say that you saw several people die and felt nothing but contempt suggests a co-morbility with narcissism NPD or psychopathy. Don't come onto posts boards designed to offer support and speak about people in that manner - it's inappropriate and rude and you're upsetting people with varying levels of vulnerability. I don't care what someone's diagnoses is, there's no excuse for abusive or baiting posts. I'm beyond shocked that admins haven't blocked you. As someone who's dealt with and healed from narcissistic abuse (you see, the grit of the world) I have zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour. If it's toxic you remove it, very simple. 

  • I would say that a broad swathe of the population were fans of that Comic Book.  The Manic Street Preachers were fans and wrote the song Judge Yourself for the Judge Dredd film soundtrack.  Most people  would not base their ethics and values of the back of something that a comic book character saiid and did.  Do you remember those local Vigilantes who would dress up as comic book characters a few years back?  I might Google them as I am need of a good laugh.

  • Mate, I am very, very politically and morally right wing. I thought it was clear from the beginning. You know, Judge Dredd is not exactly an icon for the left.

  • I have noticed that there any many sufferers of Plonker Disorder.  And they come from all walks of life.

  • I'm not sure that Judge Dredd is in anyway superior to that section of the forum. He seems to think that he is.  

    It's called Plonker Disorder (PD).

  • There's definitely a section of the forum that meets that description.  However, I'm not sure that Judge Dredd is in anyway superior to that section of the forum. He seems to think that he is.  

  • the majority of the people I interacted with in this site are professional NEETS or very low wage workers.

    Please provide evidence of how you know this as you are stating it as a fact.

    It is the opposite of my own experience here based on actual knowledge of the circumstances of my 'correspondents'.

  • That is very Right wing and almost socially Darwinistic way of looking at the world.  I do not agree with that way of looking at things.  Everyone pays VAT whether they are in the workplace or not.  And most people also have generations of their family's who have paid in.

  • MellowJian, the majority of the people I interacted with in this site are professional NEETS or very low wage workers. Their net contribution is not positive. At least, they should not bite the hand that feeds them!

  • Reminder of Rule 5:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

  • We all pay into  Social Security as a collective.  If you ever find yourself needing social security yourself you will be thankful that a social safety net exists.  

  • ou’re the worst. This is such a disgusting and degrading outlook. Why do you care if someone else is using state benefits?

    Mate, I am paying for them. The least that you should say it is "Thanks, Judge". Why you do not try to find a job, instead of resurrecting a three months old thread?

  • You’re the worst. This is such a disgusting and degrading outlook. Why do you care if someone else is using state benefits? They’re there for a reason and to be used by anyone who needs them. Maybe you should use them to take time out of society and develop a conscious and some empathy. Is your life so boring and empty that you need to troll ASD forums? Don’t you have a full time job keeping you busy? Those of us with ASD, who couldn’t possibly work because we’re SOOO naive and isolated, need your hard earned tax contribution to keep faking our disabilities! Thank you so much Judge Dredd for informing us all of your backward, thick as ***, uneducated and ignorant opinions. You’re definitely not an energy vampire! Lots of love hun! Xxx

  • This must be very painful for you. I wish you an awakening into happiness, love and clarity. They are out there in abundance for the taking, for the choosing. It is up to you.

    Naaah, thanks. I tried, they were just not satisfying. 

  • We have had to remove a comment from this thread as it breaks Rules 4, 5 and 7.

    If you have been affected by the content. You may like to have a look at the mental health section of our website which has useful links to information and advice about a range of mental health issues: 

    If you feel you need urgent help please see our website with more information on how to get urgent help

    Kind Regards,
    Rosie Mod

  • I would ask myself, at this point, friend Dredd, who is this inner stranger that hates? Is it the inner bullied child? The inner adult who finds solace in the suffering of that innocent child, and who co-inhabits the brain with it? Another inner bystander? The person with so much cognitive dissidence must surely find it hard to come to a clear understanding of themselves.

    This must be very painful for you. I wish you an awakening into happiness, love and clarity. They are out there in abundance for the taking, for the choosing. It is up to you.

  • So you're paying it forward, are you?

    Can we not break this toxic chain reaction?

    I for one can say that, after some 70 years of life it gets easier to put oneself out there. We develop the skills to ward off toxic interactions when we experience and learn from them. I make many mistakes in character judgement but rarely repeat the same mistake in judgment once I could recognize it. People have "tells". My greatest weakness is still with narcissists. I grew up with 2 parents like that and it still feels like a normal I know, pathological as it may seem to others.

    The big trick and challenge is to find the balance between being available to others for fellowship while holding firm to boundaries once we know how to develop them. I would say it's the question of boundaries which is most difficult: where do I begin? what's expected of me? Is that reasonable?, What is reasonable? How do I feel physically when near this person? 

    I look for consistency in behavior. I have to watch and know someone for some time before I feel safe with them and approach or to feel safe and valued when approached.

  • At infant school I was taught to read using ITA (initial teaching alphabet), which had a letter for every sound in RP English. So there were separate letters for the A in hat and the A in hate, 'ng' 'sh' and 'th' were single letters etc. Then one day the teacher said that in the real world spelling was almost entirely different and we now had to learn this new system. Since that day I have always questioned any authority, be it a system or individual person. I doubt if there are many people more innately cynical and distrusting than me. I will not cross the road between queuing cars, I'd rather walk a hundred yards than do so, because I do not trust the drivers not to lurch forward, though accident, inattention or malice. Naive, trusting? Not me!

  • I fail to notice how this should be my problem. I am not his legal guardian