Is it just me or can anyone just not stop grieving

I dunno I always feel people forget about they’re loved ones after like 5 years or so but with me I remember every pet who passed away, every loved one that passed away. 
for instance the ones that hit me the most to this day is my pet dog Bruce who died 7 years ago and I won’t ever forget the last glimpse I saw of his face. 
Another one which hurts me talking about is my Nan who died an awful death and she died 11 years in October. 
Sometimes when I fall asleep I see them both together and I wake up totally upset and I know it sounds cringe but I sometimes hug the photo frame of my dog Bruce.


  • I think Tris is right- lots of people grieve very intensely or for a very long time, it's just not talked about very much. I don't know whether it's social pressure or if people feel that it's private- maybe a bit of both.

    I lost my grandma about six months ago and it hit me very hard. I realised that I'd never really grieved properly for my grandad who died at the beginning of the pandemic, because I couldn't go home and there wasn't a proper funeral, so it was like I was grieving for them both at the same time. I still am, but it's a little bit easier now.

    Bereavement is really hard. It's okay to hug your photo of your dog- it's good that you have something to remind you of him, even if it makes you sad sometimes.

  • I think Tris is right- lots of people grieve very intensely or for a very long time, it's just not talked about very much. I don't know whether it's social pressure or if people feel that it's private- maybe a bit of both.

    I lost my grandma about six months ago and it hit me very hard. I realised that I'd never really grieved properly for my grandad who died at the beginning of the pandemic, because I couldn't go home and there wasn't a proper funeral, so it was like I was grieving for them both at the same time. I still am, but it's a little bit easier now.

    Bereavement is really hard. It's okay to hug your photo of your dog- it's good that you have something to remind you of him, even if it makes you sad sometimes.

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