What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • Governments, Society, growing old. The general level of stupidity among the common man and their willingness to be dragged along by groupthink.

  • Why are you scared by growing old? You’re not alone - I saw something on yahoo yesterday saying that the proportion of people afraid of growing old is increasing.

  • What's not to be scared about? Losing the full use of your body and potentially your mind, your world rapidly shrinking, the sudden ramping up of physical suffering with the knowledge that you will never fully recover again, more and more of the people you've known disappearing every year...

    I saw my grandparents' old age and if I could sign a paper to be euthanised when I hit 70, I'd do it now. 

  • should be. but yeah its at age 70 that my gen can claim it.

    if it goes up anymore it will be pointless and none existant.... it will go up more, as thats progress, things go up, they never come down, like food prices. even when the situation is reversed they never put prices back down.

  •  Assuming of course there still is a state pension

  • I hear you.  I know that I would like to chose "early" given some reasonably foreseeable scenarios and assistance is unlikely to be available to anyone for quite some time.

    But like I said earlier, hope springs eternal and so I like to hope (and have witnessed in the past) the power of a DNR coupled with fate (or similar word of your choosing.)

    With respect.


  • i dunno... a big positive difference would be to cut the other stuff and increase what goes to the pension, so that we can instead lower the pension age to a more appropriate retirement age such as 50... or 55 or something... so that people can actually retire and not have to be forced to work ever second of their lives and not really get to enjoy their lives or have freedom.

    economically speaking it isnt a issue to do this because there is 1000 applicants per job now. we need to cut the people seeking work as there isnt enough jobs to go around anyway. so lowering the age of retirement and taking out a load of workers into state pension would ease the job pressures on younger people who need to earn a living and make their lives and raise a deposit on a home and so on. which is also another reason why pro migration people lie, they lie claim we need all this influx of migrant workers, we really dont, we have 1000 people applying for a single job now. we need less workers, less people.... or, more jobs, millions more jobs... but its harder to make more jobs than it is to control the amount of workers seeking work here.

  • i dunno... a big positive difference would be to cut the other stuff and increase what goes to the pension, so that we can instead lower the pension age to a more appropriate retirement age such as 50... or 55 or something... so that people can actually retire and not have to be forced to work ever second of their lives and not really get to enjoy their lives or have freedom.

    economically speaking it isnt a issue to do this because there is 1000 applicants per job now. we need to cut the people seeking work as there isnt enough jobs to go around anyway. so lowering the age of retirement and taking out a load of workers into state pension would ease the job pressures on younger people who need to earn a living and make their lives and raise a deposit on a home and so on. which is also another reason why pro migration people lie, they lie claim we need all this influx of migrant workers, we really dont, we have 1000 people applying for a single job now. we need less workers, less people.... or, more jobs, millions more jobs... but its harder to make more jobs than it is to control the amount of workers seeking work here.

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