Hey NAS we are different not disabled

All her life my daughter has fought the stigma that being Autistic was defined as, first a "learning disabilty" and now a "disability". It has destroyed her life, made her feel inferior and sapped her self  confidence. Then to see the BBC describe autism as a "lifelong disability" made me furious. Then to find that the source of this bigotry is the definition on the NAS website makes me incandescent with rage. I too am Autistic. The NAS does not represent me or my daughter. The challenges which Autistic poeple face are not what we are but how we are misunderstood. For the NAS to insist on perpetuating these myths makes you part of the problem. I can only presume your definition of Autism was written and approved by a bunch of, perhaps well-meaning, poeple who suffer from Autism Deficiency Syndrome and who lack the flexibility of thought that Autism gives us and we, in turn, have given the world the technology which I am using to write this.

  • Being classed as disabled gives an autistic person important and fundamental rights under disability discrimination laws, such as the Equality Act 2010. They are essential in order for us to be able to function in a world that is not designed for us. For example reasonable adjustments which are necessary in order to be able to function in the workplace.

    A definition of disability (from Wikipedia):

    "Disability is the experience of any condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activities or have equitable access within a given society."

    The challenges that autistic people face mean that we certainly find some things more difficult and can be discriminated against at every stage in life. It is lifelong. So many people wrongly believe that autism is something that only affects children. I even had a GP say that once Unamused

    I'm all for the social model of autism, as opposed to the pathological one, but I'm not convinced that different is any less stigmatizing than disabled. Until the social model gains enough traction we need that protection against discrimination.

    I hope that in the future being neurodivergent will become a specific protected characteristic under discrimination laws. Maybe that's the kind of thing NAS could be campaigning for. In the meantime we have to make the best of what exists now. 

  • It doesn’t help when most of the efforts of the NAS are, perhaps correctly, targeted at children. You can understand why people then think it’s only / mainly a childhood condition although the GP should have known better. Having said that how long do GPS get in their training on hidden and mental health disabilities? Not long so unless the GP has a particular interest in the area their is a limit to what you can expect. GPS are basically gatekeepers controlling who gets to see consultants, specialists etc and who doesn’t. Sometimes you have to effectively tell the GP what to do.

  • It doesn’t help when most of the efforts of the NAS are, perhaps correctly, targeted at children. You can understand why people then think it’s only / mainly a childhood condition although the GP should have known better. Having said that how long do GPS get in their training on hidden and mental health disabilities? Not long so unless the GP has a particular interest in the area their is a limit to what you can expect. GPS are basically gatekeepers controlling who gets to see consultants, specialists etc and who doesn’t. Sometimes you have to effectively tell the GP what to do.

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