What help is out there for adults

If an adult is diagnosed with Autism, what help and support is available to them?  I have enquired about an assessment through my health centre and they sent me the AQ form to fill out online. My husband who I also think maybe Autistic said he wouldn’t bother having an assessment as they can’t do anything about it.  

  • Be sure to fill out an EQ as well..Slight smile

  • I know when my Son was diagnosed we were signposted to support websites, forums, helplines, books and I took a course that was recommended on Autism, Autism Toolbox.  My Son has Speech and language therapy and a Sensory Diet/ Sensory Intergration through the Speech Therapists  and OT’s who work in the local SEN schools. 

  • Yeah none at all basically. You could try to get a support worker. Unless you get one through social services they cost money though.

  • Very little professional help and support sadly

    I've found this forum to be the best support out there by far! You can learn a lot being here and get lots of support when needed

    Since joining I've found this site very useful and supportive :) 

  • Hello.  I'm afraid your husband is, pretty much, bang on.

    However, from my perspective, KNOWING what and who I am has been extremely calming and allowed me to investigate means by which I may be able to tackle my challenges more appropriately.

    I think it is worth noting that SELF-help is easier when you realise what you actually might need help with !

    Good luck to you and him.

  • It's not too far off to say none at all, other than places like this.

    It some areas there may be entitlement to a very limited number of post diagnosis support sessions. Other areas offer nothing. You would need to ask what is available in your area.

    Most adults who seek diagnosis do so as a way to understand themselves better and learn what is behind the struggles they have. It is really down to the individual to research and learn, many newly diagnosed autistics will deep dive into research as a new special interest. 

    The problem has been discussed on here so many times, most recently https://community.autism.org.uk/f/mental-health-and-wellbeing/33616/how-to-get-support-as-an-adult-autist

    If your husband wants to go down the diagnosis route has to be ultimately his decision. Perhaps ask yourself what you hope to achieve from it. He will still be the same person before and after diagnosis.