Is it worth going through a formal diagnosis?


I'm a 39 year old lady that has been "quirky" her whole life. My sister was almost convinced something was wrong with me from a MH POV. For the past 10 odd years I've tried to figure out what's "wrong* with me. A GP once suggested OCD traits, and Ive been to therapy for many years but she always end up blaming everything to one traumatic event, even though my quirks were clear many years before that.

The more I think about it, the more I'm certain I fall somewhere along the spectrum. I've done the Aspie and the AQ 10 tests, both showing that my suspicions are sustained.

Here's the kicker... I have a fairly normal life and don't really struggle. Yes, I only have one friend, but like many of you only like the idea of friendships but not necessarily having one (or the effort). I have a client facing job and I  think I do ok (it doesn't mean I like it though). I do have a loving husband, and two children (I'm way more attached to one) and my dog who I love. I have no extended family and I don't talk (nor have no real desire or need ) to my sister. In fact I've never felt ANY attachment towards her EVER like at all. 

So would it be worth it? At this point is more about vindication and self understanding. Hopefully having therapy who can guide me and be able to discern between trauma and spectrum related traits. 

What do you think?

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