Assessment tasks

Can someone explain the purpose of the assessment tasks please? 
I understand that the frog book was to see if I could tell a story without any words but what was the foam blue and Orange  jigsaw puzzle and the map of America and the recall with actions about putting toothpaste on a toothbrush? Thanks 

  • I had the frog book and the 'how do you brush your teeth' task as well. I think the frog story must be about imagination, because my diagnostic report was actually very nice about my version and said I was 'articulate and imaginative'! They did also say though that they often see that with autistic women so sadly I'm not special Joy

    I wonder if the toothbrush task is about whether you can explain something to somebody else in a clear and logical way? I know I asked about how much detail they wanted and whether I should do a generic version or my own routine, and I suspect they got as much useful info about how my brain works from that as they did from my actual description of brushing my teeth.

  • Thanks for this! Maybe it will be explained in the write up which I have been told will arrive in three weeks time. 

  • It's more who is assessing you, and also if it's done in person or online. Mine was NHS and in person and I had the same kinda tasks in the second assessment (the first one was all talking) 

  • Interesting that the frog book crosses all boundaries and is used in America too. My other ones were providing step by step instructions for making a cup of tea, describing what was happening in a cartoon of a beach and taking 4 items out of a bag and making up a story using them.

    If I remember from my write up, I think they were mostly seeing how you deal with imagination and how you are at communicating. They said I was very direct and literal and didn't expand on answers if I could avoid it. 

  • It was 2 and a half hours long. Lots of talking about my difficulties and life, talk with my parent about my childhood and these three tasks. 

  • Really ?
    My assessment was nothing but verbal Talking.
    You might have had a different assessmet depending on what was being assessed.

  • These were the tasks during the ASD assessment. 

  • The Assessment task is designed  to see weather you meet the crteria to be reffrerd for an ASD Assessment.