On the beginning of my journey.

I have been referred now by my doctor, I am 51 years old, I know it’s quite late in my life but I want to find out, my 20 year old daughter has recently been diagnosed autistic so it’s likely that I have it too. I want to know why I got bullied at school and why my peers don’t get me and why I come across as rude and silly sometimes, I’m also quite immature for my age which is probably also a trait, is there anyone else with similar circumstances on here.

  • I want to know why I got bullied at school and why my peers don’t get me and why I come across as rude and silly sometimes

    1- why did you get bullied? It is in the nature of the bullies to pick on the ones who stand out - it gives them something to ridicule so they feel better about themselves. It is a common trait unfortunately and most autists experience this as we almost always stand out as being a bit weird / different.

    2 - Why did your peers not get you? That is because autism wasn't well know about when you were young, you didn't have a diagnosis and that meant you were just the "weird kid". Kids try to fit in and belong so when you stand out people don't really want to know you much. Is that their fault? I think not as it is just human nature in kids.

    3 - why do you come across as rude and silly sometimes? Well it is because you lack the inherent understanding of social etequette that is enabled in the brains of around 95% of people. Our brains are wired differently and this social connection is one of the parts that often does not develop properly. It means we say the wrong things, act differently to others and often get the tone wrong in the way we speak.

    I would recommend starting with the following book to build up an understanding of autism:

    Understanding Autism For Dummies - Stephen Shore, Linda G. Rastelli, Temple Grandin (2006)
    ISBN 0764525476

    With it being a spectrum, people who have it exhibit some of the traits at varying intensities so there is a wide range of "types" in this group. Few of us are alike so it can be hard to find someone who is just like us.

    We also almost always suffer accumulated trauma from being excluded, bullied, ridiculed or simply struggling with out overly sensitive sensory inputs to the point we suffer burnout or meltdowns.

    All in all it makes for a very mixed bag.

    There is a very good support community here and since support is non-existant for adults in most cases, this is possibly the best place to get support and advice.

    Welcome to the club.

  • I want to know why I got bullied at school and why my peers don’t get me and why I come across as rude and silly sometimes

    1- why did you get bullied? It is in the nature of the bullies to pick on the ones who stand out - it gives them something to ridicule so they feel better about themselves. It is a common trait unfortunately and most autists experience this as we almost always stand out as being a bit weird / different.

    2 - Why did your peers not get you? That is because autism wasn't well know about when you were young, you didn't have a diagnosis and that meant you were just the "weird kid". Kids try to fit in and belong so when you stand out people don't really want to know you much. Is that their fault? I think not as it is just human nature in kids.

    3 - why do you come across as rude and silly sometimes? Well it is because you lack the inherent understanding of social etequette that is enabled in the brains of around 95% of people. Our brains are wired differently and this social connection is one of the parts that often does not develop properly. It means we say the wrong things, act differently to others and often get the tone wrong in the way we speak.

    I would recommend starting with the following book to build up an understanding of autism:

    Understanding Autism For Dummies - Stephen Shore, Linda G. Rastelli, Temple Grandin (2006)
    ISBN 0764525476

    With it being a spectrum, people who have it exhibit some of the traits at varying intensities so there is a wide range of "types" in this group. Few of us are alike so it can be hard to find someone who is just like us.

    We also almost always suffer accumulated trauma from being excluded, bullied, ridiculed or simply struggling with out overly sensitive sensory inputs to the point we suffer burnout or meltdowns.

    All in all it makes for a very mixed bag.

    There is a very good support community here and since support is non-existant for adults in most cases, this is possibly the best place to get support and advice.

    Welcome to the club.
