Real Dislike of Reading.


Thank you for the continued support in my journey of understanding me as opposed to the expected autism diagnosis some time in the future.

I did a search on reading and the first few pages were all topics about what books is being read, enjoyment, support to help read better etc.. but...

I have a sever dislike of reading, anxiety kicks in, can't follow the text and often have to repeat pages and often going back a couple of nights so I gave up many years ago and have never tried... I can list the books I have read 1990-2023 as:

6no. Dargonlance books.

Eartquake (my aged 16 English Literature choice. It had 84 pages as opposed to other pupils reading One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Pride and Prejudice and so on.

Charles Bronson autobiography.

I enjoy comics (still) and read books with illustrations and punchy points of info.

I wonder if it is a me thing, ADHD (didn;t realise it was in connection with autism) or autism or perhaps something completely different.

Around 8no. books in 32 years always has friends and people rise an eyebrow and open mouthed when I say I hate reading.


  • I love reading, but I also have to frequently re-read a paragraph I have just read to make sure I have taken it in.  As such I generally get through books slowly.  But then there’s no rush, so don’t worry about how long it takes you.

    I have always loved comics, and I still do to this day and always will.

  • Thank you...

    At a guess, its 8 years since I picked a book up due to the anxiety that kicks in, so no worries on the time element.

    Seems that no-one else has this so it must be a me thing haha.

Reply Children
  • Hi there,

    An excellent question to which I do not have a rational answer.... As part of my work I read contract documents, specifications etc..., which isn't an issue...

    I think it may be the amount of time spent against an activity that could result in an unfavourable outcome where I get annoyed that my time could have been better spent doing something I know I would have enjoyed.

    My mind also wanders constantly and piecing together character building over days/ months is very tiring... Quite often, and before I started my road to getting a diagnosis started Summer 2023, my wife would often have to piece together film story lines for me..., or I would read online what the point of the film was before watching a second time.

    Typing whilst thinking so apologies if a little convoluted but having red the issues with autism, I dont think I can piece together what is happening to characters and it gets confusing what they are doing.

  • its 8 years since I picked a book up due to the anxiety that kicks in

    I'm curious, what do you become anxious about when reading?

    Is it that you are expecting to find it difficult to keep track of?