Eye Contact

Following a recent discussion I note that some people say they have learnt how to do eye contact. My question is how do you do it?

I have been asked if I am listening as the only way I can consciously try is by looking to the side of someone or looking at a nose or tie. If I look towards someone's eyes I feel like I am staring so then look away.

  • Thank you to everyone for your helpful comments. It is good to know how others manage this.

    At least these days knowing about autism gives an understanding of why it is difficult and hopefully as society learns more, NTs will understand more that it doesn't mean we aren't interested.

    I was interested in the comment about reading people's faces as mine is fairly blank most of the time, as is my autistic son's.

  • My face is so blank i make the statue of liberty look like a break-dancer. Fearful

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