Eye Contact

Following a recent discussion I note that some people say they have learnt how to do eye contact. My question is how do you do it?

I have been asked if I am listening as the only way I can consciously try is by looking to the side of someone or looking at a nose or tie. If I look towards someone's eyes I feel like I am staring so then look away.

  • Try and concentrate on the sound of their voice and/or look at their mouth...I have found this to work for me. I do get to a point where I feel, with some people, that I am staring for too long/inappropriately, I am not sure what to do as advise at this point....sorry!!

  • Try and concentrate on the sound of their voice and/or look at their mouth...I have found this to work for me. I do get to a point where I feel, with some people, that I am staring for too long/inappropriately, I am not sure what to do as advise at this point....sorry!!

  • I focus on the mouth or nose, depending on whichever seems easier as a big nose is easier to focus on than a small. It's still uncomfortable but doable unlike eye contact for me.

    Focusing on mouth or nose still looks like you're making eye contact. No one has ever sussed I do this, yet.