Am I the only one, or does this sound like you sometimes?

Hi, everybody. I'll try to get to the point without blabbering on.

I have not been formally diagnosed, but it's obvious. I'm a woman in my 50s and although I'm not particularly interested in social interaction, I *am* tired of being "the only one who_____" all the time. Anyone relate?

  • I have no desire for social interaction but I'm not unfriendly or grumpy.
  • I don't care what I wear (no interest in fashion) so I don't look like most ladies my age who like to shop. I don't look wild/bad or anything and I do get dressed lol. But I stand out as not like the others.
  • You'll never see me in heels or ladies' dress shoes. Why suffer?
  • I don't care if it's cold; I'll wear ski pants, big warm gloves, and hats in the winter while ladies my age wear fashionable stuff. I'd rather be warm.
  • I cut my own hair. It looks fine (simple long hair "style") and have no desire to do the crap most women do with their hair.
  • I've never had a mani-pedi and never will.
  • Believe it or not, I'm still considered "cute" somehow (so I've been told) but I have no interest in dating even if people ask sometimes. I have in the past, but been there, done that. Love being single.
  • I prefer to live alone but with animals.
  • Animals (dogs/cats) are my "people." I feel closer to them than humans. I grieve their loss as much/more than humans.
  • I do work and believe it or not, I am an entertainer who teaches and performs. I can be charming and fun, but it's from decades of learning how to flip the switch and be like that.
  • I do not go to places most people go (restaurants, bars, church, events). I go outside alone in nature (hiking, kayaking, etc.). I haven't been to an establishment for years because I don't enjoy myself there, and that's ok (too loud, too much stuff going on).
  • Considering my job (very public) people think I'm stuck up because they don't see me out and about in general...but I'm not. I just don't enjoy it and it's stressful.
  • I don't own a TV and keep my house quiet with the exception of occasional peaceful music.

Like I said, I don't need to be *around* other people like me. It would just be nice to know that there are some people like me, somewhere. It's hard not seeing oneself reflected in any way in the larger community. Does any of this sound like any of you? I'm not looking for personal messages or anything. Just a "yeah, me too" would be enough. 


  • Thank you, everyone! I just came back here ready to delete my post because I figured if no one replied, I'd feel even more alone. But now i see that I am not.

    And I'm sorry for those who are struggling. While most of us don't seem to need a lot (if any) social interaction, it's still hard not seeing anyone like oneself in the larger culture. And I see that some here are struggling with depression, too. I wish I had solutions.

    As much as I hate covid, I *loved* certain aspects of lock down (yes, I do feel bad for those of us who suffered because of it, financially--I did too--or otherwise). I felt (and still feel) sad when everything got back to "normal" because during lockdown, I finally saw myself in the larger culture--people were not going to bars. People were enjoying nature. They were cooking at home, making their own fun, cutting their own hair, wearing whatever clothes they had. And then suddenly when it was lifted, they were all trashing that lifestyle and leaving it behind happily in an instant. I went from feeling like my life was like everyone else's to living the life that everyone hated, once again.

    Part of what prompted this mini breakdown with me is that my cat was diagnosed with a chronic (and most likely terminal) disease this summer. She and my dog are my world. She has almost died a number of times, but with 'round the clock care and veterinary intervention, she is still with us. I know it won't be long, and I am not coping well. I am not sleeping or eating enough, and I go nowhere. I can't just go out and "have fun" when she's like this. I want to be with her for the time she has. And it's killing me knowing that she's ill, knowing that she'll be gone, and struggling with finding the best meds, food, etc..

    People are being nice about it, but no one understands fully, so I don't go on and on with people. For me, it's like a family member is in hospice care and I am the only caregiver. I imagine this as if it were someone else--like that person is still expected to work, be in public, take care of their own needs, etc....but they're being the nurse 'round the clock with meds, etc. No one would expect that person to be ok if they were being the hospice nurse for a family member. They'd expect them to take time off work. They'd organize "meal trains" and other ways to help. People would check in. People would expect them to cry and struggle and would rally around them.

    But not with a pet. They're as nice as they can be and know how to be in our current culture. But no one understands that my pets are my people and this is like being the one hospice worker for my dying family member, in my home. It's *that* hard on me.

    I'm tough and rarely show struggle. I'm used to being the "only one who...." and being the weirdo. Whatever. But with her illness, it's just become painfully obvious that there is NO one like me in my world...and a reminder of post-lockdown isolation and hearing people say such awful things about the lifestyle that is mine (not going out, etc.). 

    It has raised the old question again about whether I should get formally diagnosed, which I know many of you have pondered. I am seen as a leader in some ways in my community because of the work I do. If I were diagnosed finally, if I chose to "come out," I could see that as being a major part of the work I do with my workshops and other professional endeavors. But at the same time, I don't know if I want anyone knowing that about me. People judge. I don't know if I want a label in people's minds. Maybe it's my own business.

    And what if I don't have dad and his dad (my grandpa) have autism. My mom has a personality disorder, OCD, and other things. I may have just learned these behaviors. The one thing that makes me think that maybe I don't have autism is that I don't have trouble anymore reading people's emotions. I've worked hard at that and am pretty good at it. So...? (I'm not asking for people to help me with that decision...I'm just pondering.)

    Anyway, I have read (and will read) all responses and I really appreciate them and hope the best for all of you. I am new to this forum, so I'm still learning about how the forum works. If I don't respond in some way, it's not that I haven't read it; I may be just still getting to understand the way things work here. Slight smile

  • I *loved* certain aspects of lock down (yes, I do feel bad for those of us who suffered because of it, financially--I did too--or otherwise). I felt (and still feel) sad when everything got back to "normal" because during lockdown

    Exactly this and I honestly felt I was the only one in the world who felt like this. Mental health stuff at the time talked about anxiety over catching the virus,  not anxiety over a return to modern life.

    then suddenly when it was lifted, they were all trashing that lifestyle and leaving it behind happily in an instant

    Yes but also as more people retreated to nature in lockdown, I found a lot more litter in the places I frequent. I was kind of happy that the "masses" had buggered back off after lockdown.

    mini breakdown

    This might be burnout.

    I'm tough and rarely show struggle

    Autistic people are far more resilient than they give themselves credit for.

    don't have trouble anymore reading people's emotions. I've worked hard at that and am pretty good at it

    You said you "worked hard at it" which indicates it might be learned behaviour....I can relate to being able to read emotions well (sometimes too well but sometimes missing the mark) and I think a lot of it is observed learning. 

    For a lot of people, self realisation is enough. Seeking out others who are similar also helps massively to know you are not a weirdo. If you did get a diagnosis you don't have to tell anyone. 

  • Thank you, out of step! I relate the disappointment in the litter at nature sites. I remember going to a place that no one goes to normally (sacred Native American historic site)...drove the 15 minutes to get there, and there were almost 50 people noisily wondering and leaving trash. The only thing I liked about the lockdown ending was that "my" places were once again empty or free from the temporary visitors who really had no respect for the places.

    You may have seen my comments on others' replies, but I don't like that my state requires by law that anyone diagnosed with autism must be reported to the state health department to be entered into a database. And through work, I know many people who work in that's a "small town" kind of place (rural), so diagnosis will not be completely confidential in that regard.

    So in addition to the expense and scarcity of agencies that work with diagnosing adults, the lack of confidentiality (and near impossibility of removing my name from a list of disabilities/autistic individuals if I should ever contest the diagnosis for whatever reason), I very much hesitate. It would be "nice" to know, but t here are a lot of cons to the process. That's why I ultimately don't pursue it every time things get rough and I think about it.

    Thanks for your thoughtful response. Slight smile

  • Thank you, out of step! I relate the disappointment in the litter at nature sites. I remember going to a place that no one goes to normally (sacred Native American historic site)...drove the 15 minutes to get there, and there were almost 50 people noisily wondering and leaving trash. The only thing I liked about the lockdown ending was that "my" places were once again empty or free from the temporary visitors who really had no respect for the places.

    You may have seen my comments on others' replies, but I don't like that my state requires by law that anyone diagnosed with autism must be reported to the state health department to be entered into a database. And through work, I know many people who work in that's a "small town" kind of place (rural), so diagnosis will not be completely confidential in that regard.

    So in addition to the expense and scarcity of agencies that work with diagnosing adults, the lack of confidentiality (and near impossibility of removing my name from a list of disabilities/autistic individuals if I should ever contest the diagnosis for whatever reason), I very much hesitate. It would be "nice" to know, but t here are a lot of cons to the process. That's why I ultimately don't pursue it every time things get rough and I think about it.

    Thanks for your thoughtful response. Slight smile

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