Am I the only one, or does this sound like you sometimes?

Hi, everybody. I'll try to get to the point without blabbering on.

I have not been formally diagnosed, but it's obvious. I'm a woman in my 50s and although I'm not particularly interested in social interaction, I *am* tired of being "the only one who_____" all the time. Anyone relate?

  • I have no desire for social interaction but I'm not unfriendly or grumpy.
  • I don't care what I wear (no interest in fashion) so I don't look like most ladies my age who like to shop. I don't look wild/bad or anything and I do get dressed lol. But I stand out as not like the others.
  • You'll never see me in heels or ladies' dress shoes. Why suffer?
  • I don't care if it's cold; I'll wear ski pants, big warm gloves, and hats in the winter while ladies my age wear fashionable stuff. I'd rather be warm.
  • I cut my own hair. It looks fine (simple long hair "style") and have no desire to do the crap most women do with their hair.
  • I've never had a mani-pedi and never will.
  • Believe it or not, I'm still considered "cute" somehow (so I've been told) but I have no interest in dating even if people ask sometimes. I have in the past, but been there, done that. Love being single.
  • I prefer to live alone but with animals.
  • Animals (dogs/cats) are my "people." I feel closer to them than humans. I grieve their loss as much/more than humans.
  • I do work and believe it or not, I am an entertainer who teaches and performs. I can be charming and fun, but it's from decades of learning how to flip the switch and be like that.
  • I do not go to places most people go (restaurants, bars, church, events). I go outside alone in nature (hiking, kayaking, etc.). I haven't been to an establishment for years because I don't enjoy myself there, and that's ok (too loud, too much stuff going on).
  • Considering my job (very public) people think I'm stuck up because they don't see me out and about in general...but I'm not. I just don't enjoy it and it's stressful.
  • I don't own a TV and keep my house quiet with the exception of occasional peaceful music.

Like I said, I don't need to be *around* other people like me. It would just be nice to know that there are some people like me, somewhere. It's hard not seeing oneself reflected in any way in the larger community. Does any of this sound like any of you? I'm not looking for personal messages or anything. Just a "yeah, me too" would be enough. 


  • I relate to a lot of this, yes. Not so much the fashion aspects- I'm very interested in clothes and makeup and I do weird things to my hair, though I wouldn't consider myself to be conventional or even aware of popular trends around it all. It's green hair, tattoos, and Doc Martens for me, not... er... well I can't give an example of what's cool at the moment, because I don't know what it is Joy

    I will say though that I do my own nails and go to a hairdresser who doesn't mind me sitting in silence (or banging on about our shared love of horror films) because I'm so fussy about being touched and I find it exhausting to be around other people. So despite the aesthetic differences the behavioural stuff is much the same as a lot of other autistic folks, including yourself. I'd rather be at home with my dog!

  • Thanks for responding! I probably should've added that until I was in my 40s, I was very much into what I wore--like you, it wasn't the latest fashion by any means. It was my own thing--radical pink hair, interesting shoes and jewelry, etc. When I got older, I just lost interest in that. And part of that could've been the after math of abusive relationships...I just decided to be comfortable and who cares what others think because I'm finally free....kind of a rebellion and decision to just be comfy.Slight smile

  • Thanks for responding! I probably should've added that until I was in my 40s, I was very much into what I wore--like you, it wasn't the latest fashion by any means. It was my own thing--radical pink hair, interesting shoes and jewelry, etc. When I got older, I just lost interest in that. And part of that could've been the after math of abusive relationships...I just decided to be comfortable and who cares what others think because I'm finally free....kind of a rebellion and decision to just be comfy.Slight smile

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