
What's your experience been?

I haven't been in a relationship before but I'm considering it, like doing online dating. But I've read how relationships don't have a high success rate for autistic people.

  • My experience has been mixed.

    In some respects, I think I had more confidence when I was younger. Alternatively, because I was so desperate to be like my peers and be in a relationship, maybe I was more willing to do whatever it took to get myself a boyfriend. Such was my desperation that I ended up in a few incredibly short-lived relationships with boyfriends that I didn't really like, and had very little in common with.

    I was fortunate enough to find myself in a really good relationship once with a neurotypical male, but the rest have been fairly disastrous.

    To be honest, the thought of putting myself out there and going down the online dating route terrifies me now. I think the only way it would work would be if I already knew the person as a friend, and it felt like a natural progression.

    Relationships can be hard work for anyone, but being autistic can make them more challenging. However, that's not to say that they are impossible. 

  • My experience has been mixed.

    In some respects, I think I had more confidence when I was younger. Alternatively, because I was so desperate to be like my peers and be in a relationship, maybe I was more willing to do whatever it took to get myself a boyfriend. Such was my desperation that I ended up in a few incredibly short-lived relationships with boyfriends that I didn't really like, and had very little in common with.

    I was fortunate enough to find myself in a really good relationship once with a neurotypical male, but the rest have been fairly disastrous.

    To be honest, the thought of putting myself out there and going down the online dating route terrifies me now. I think the only way it would work would be if I already knew the person as a friend, and it felt like a natural progression.

    Relationships can be hard work for anyone, but being autistic can make them more challenging. However, that's not to say that they are impossible. 

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