Performance Review at work. The very thought of it is stressing me out. Any Tips

Hi, this is my first time posting so I apologise If I get the tone wrong on this one

I am being asked to write my objectives at work then go and have my half year review to talk about them. No Big Deal!

So why on earth am I so stressed about it. It feels like I have to write my own exam questions, answer them, then get judged on both the question I wrote and my answer to it.

I'm just expected to know how to do this because I've been given a powerpoint slide on SMART objectives

For context I dropped out of Uni and everything since, It the question needs answering in words and sentences, you can generally count me out.

Does this stuff trigger anybody else or is it just me?

  • My first time posting as well Smiley

    I had this exact situation today - despite knowing well in advance, I had done no prep work for my half year performance review....mistake #1!

    So I set about pulling up my goals for the year which were agree on at the start of the year.
    Some of the goals were quite straight forward and measurable - eg complete 12 projects this year, we have completed 6,so a little behind schedule, but not a biggie.
    Others were less tangible and I struggled a bit there, but also recognised that if there isn't a specific number or achievement such as pass exam X, then I wouldn't be held to account as much.

    Review time comes and I meet with my [fantastic] boss who is well aware of my mental health struggles. We spoke openly and honestly, and time flew by. There was recognition of what I have achieved and there was no criticism....all went well.

    So it's not a big deal then? WRONG!

    In fact it turns out that many people hate the whole review process- even those without our "special difference".
    It seems that having to write your own self appraisal in advance is something that many people struggle with.
    My boss admitted that he also struggles when faced with writing his own self appraisal - more so than having to write appraisals for his direct reports.

    Good luck with your review Thumbsup

  • My first time posting as well Smiley

    I had this exact situation today - despite knowing well in advance, I had done no prep work for my half year performance review....mistake #1!

    So I set about pulling up my goals for the year which were agree on at the start of the year.
    Some of the goals were quite straight forward and measurable - eg complete 12 projects this year, we have completed 6,so a little behind schedule, but not a biggie.
    Others were less tangible and I struggled a bit there, but also recognised that if there isn't a specific number or achievement such as pass exam X, then I wouldn't be held to account as much.

    Review time comes and I meet with my [fantastic] boss who is well aware of my mental health struggles. We spoke openly and honestly, and time flew by. There was recognition of what I have achieved and there was no criticism....all went well.

    So it's not a big deal then? WRONG!

    In fact it turns out that many people hate the whole review process- even those without our "special difference".
    It seems that having to write your own self appraisal in advance is something that many people struggle with.
    My boss admitted that he also struggles when faced with writing his own self appraisal - more so than having to write appraisals for his direct reports.

    Good luck with your review Thumbsup

  • Others were less tangible and I struggled a bit there, but also recognised that if there isn't a specific number or achievement such as pass exam X, then I wouldn't be held to account as much.

    You can simply say that because the objectives that are intangible are not SMART then they have no place in the review.

    Anything that is not very tangible can be twisted in the event the company are unhappy with you, so use their own methodology and say "if it isn't SMART then I don't feel comfortable in having it in there. It may resuly in having a lot fewer objectives but that isn't a bad thing.

    Remember to schedule 3 monthly reviews yourself of progress as we are often all guilty of forgetting about this stuff and letting them slide.