Social Media - how do you manage it?

I wrote this last week after several years of absence from all things social media. I'm sharing it with you if you'd like to read it. Social Media:  

If you don't have time nor inclination for that though, you probably have much to offer me and any others on this particular learning curve. So, in the context of social media, how do you manage to juggle the feeling of being bombarded and swamped with a kind of need to kind of semi-connect with other humans?

  • So, in the context of social media, how do you manage to juggle the feeling of being bombarded and swamped with a kind of need to kind of semi-connect with other humans?

    I treat Social Media as a bit of a parasite - there may be some symbiotic benefit but on the whole is just sucks the life right out of you so it best avoided.

    I tend to make my interaction strictly time limited but will do a batch of posting on subjects I'm active in (I'm currently doing a bunch of YouTube videon on properties I'm developing) and then give it a break for a few weeks.

    My experience of peoples posts are that they are most often fake, hateful, banal or pushing some agenda, so filtering through a tsunami od dross to find an occasional interesting post is just not worth the effort.

  • Reading this was like a breath of fresh air. It's not just me then?! 

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