I suspect I may be on the spectrum (Not diganosed)

Hi all, I am 33 and I have a suspect that I maybe on the spectrum because I find things annoying, i always remember others telling me to either "Grow uo" or "Stop overreacting" or some thing find that I take things to literally or out of context a lot. 

First of all I would like to say, that I was labelled as a bad kid in secondary school, like I was quiet and silent as a child upto the age of 14, around year 9, even if I was bullied for being this in the bullies own words "Weird, Anti-social and quiet freak". Because breaks, lunch times, even walking to school and home from school, i would have ear phones in to a CD player and I would "even now at 33" nothing changed much, if am listening to music, i will bounce my finger on my hip to the beat of the music, bop my head to the music, or randomly burst out singing loud "unfortunately am not the best singer" but something I natural do.. but when year 9 came around and my bullied push me to the limit, I snapped cause I didn't like him doing the pen tap on my shoulder entire of math, distracting me during the lesson, and I did the unthinkable and hit him ( I never been an aggressive person, i tend to hide or seek shelter if I feel someone intention is bad, because I cannot tell what there body language is saying".  

This carried on, I mean my home life was not that great and still is not, but I spent most of my time alone in my bedroom, reading books by Stephen Hawkins around Blackhole theories, or reading those A-Z medical books that you got from local shop or supermarkets each week and if I was not reading, I was watching Manga/Anime, CBBC cartoons and Tracy breaker, cause it was the only thing that kept my attention for more than 10 seconds. Unless it was movies that came on DVD from being out in the cinemas cause I didn't like going to the cinemas at all because it made me feel out of place and scared that someone would hurt me. 

I mean even work and relationships always been a issue for me.. work because i don't like being given a task one minute and then told the next minute to do something else and return to the task i was previous doing, because when i returned to the previous task i couldn't restart it and have to do it from the start or stress out to the point I screamed "Looked boss am doing this task, that task can wait till i finish this one" which caused some situations where I was always in trouble and on the firing line for disrespect or refusing to a job task that I was asked to do. Relationships is a hard one to say, like romantically even if they are family or friend relationships too, i don't like people make false promise, saying one thing and doing the other thing. Like promising or saying to me "I will be here for you when you need me" and you find out in your time of struggles they perfer to do something else and it angers me that they said or promising me that and not showing me. 

Or like romantic relationships, telling me that am worth this and taht to them and they choose scrolling through their phone or seeing friends more than being close with me.  It make me feel worthless to them and then am the mean one for saying.. do not say that "I mean this much to you, because do you remember this day or that day where you chose your phone for 6 hours straight to talk to others instead of me. Or that time you asked me to come to meet your friend in a place that made me feel uncomfortable because they was too much hapoening too many disteacting sound happening. Or recently just last october/november my first time on a plane to the United states of america to visit my partner who I felt instantly connected to and meeting her for the first time and spending 3 weeks, promised me to spend time with me and her daughter as well as some days with her family, spend most of her time on the phone and it royally angered me and made me feel worthless.  Even though her daughter who turned 5 while I was there wanted to play with her dolls and I found my happiness returning playing dolls with her because it felt like her kid saw I need a distraction and cheering up. 

I am sorry for this long description, i have a habit of detailing everything I speak about, i know how annoyed people get with me on that, and am sorry if I made mistakes in spelling and grammar, I do have a diagnosis of learning difficulties thatnare dyslexic and dyspraxia.  Thank you for reading this. I would if anyone could shred any light on this.  

P.S.  I had people randomly and even in my University days  had people ask me "Stephen, just a question..  Are you Autistic" and i always replied No, I don't think so, because I don't know myself bevcause am not actually diagnosed with ASD and I do not believe on self diganosing myself. Just reaching out to see what other people would say that may understand where I am coming from.  If you have any questions, do not hestitate to ask 

Parents Reply Children
  • I do have the forms but am waiting for my father to complete thw parenr one and he just refusing all the time to compete it. I mean I have the eldest of 3 sons to him and my mothers. All my life, thing that was not medical emerange with me, like school trips or report card signing and or things that I had was last thing with me. However with my other two brothers even now it them two first and me last as always. 

    So I am trying to get assessed but my brothers. My mother and fathers are trying to say I don't need it.  And I am sick and tired of their treatment of me, because if i get a job interview they put me down and call me stupid and that, even (Job centre and old work coach was like that too)..  so I feel like trying to get accessed with my family is pointless because he  had this form now for 12 weeks and he not compete it and I asked him every day for the past 12 weeks to be compete and I don't not what to do.. cause i feel like if I beg him to do it am a burden, if i ask mental health or my doctors I will be a burden. I just don't know what to do anymore.