Adult Diagnosis Maybe

Hey! I am actually going for an assessment here in the US in a few weeks but I am gathering info. I am a 40 y/o woman and I ended up here because my kids are both done with school and I decided to attempt making a friend group for myself. I didn't seem to able to so I started researching how and ended up here.

It is both nice and sad to see myself explained. Sad only because my family could have been more accepting and loving of things when I was young. 

Anyway, I still want friends lol 

Irl people are going to want an official diagnosis if I am going to bring it up so I'll have to wait. I do have one question. Does it help to let people now you're autistic or does that make things harder? I feel like it would make it easier to explain some things about myself and maybe being able to connect better. Then I thought it might just make people avoid ne from the start.


Parents Reply Children
  • I think you're mostly correct. I feel like I need to talk with my kids. When they got out if high school and started their own things, I no longer controlled my schedule. I have never been mean to them but I think at times they didn't understand my lesser excitement when my son wanted to visit unannounced. I ALWAYS want to see him but I set up my day and it's tough to re-adjust, even when it's a good thing changing and I love him so much. I would just get irritated and they know me so well that it was impossible to total cover from them. Their are other small things like that where they might feel better if they knew. 

    Also to note, he was never visiting during a time I had an obligation like my job. Most of the time it would be just that I had to clean the kitchen or do laundry but I had laid out the day already. I write my day down every day and then move through the list so I can get stuff done. This also allows me to write down new stuff that comes up and put it into a different schedule. I run on listed schedules all the time.