The Start of my Journey to getting an Assessment

Hi everyone,

I'm nearly 40, pansexual and have just started working with Autistic adults (3 months ago). I'm also a published author.

Since doing all the awareness etc training and my own research, it's feeling more and more likely I'm Autistic. 

I've always been 'weird', have to decide how to feel and what to say about stuff beforehand, and have various sensory 'quirks' that I always assumed were normal for everyone.

I suppose I'm just here looking for accounts of experiences of the assessment process as an adult, and any barriers anyone has hit regarding other people believing or understanding my suspicions that I'm Autistic.

Thanks everyone,


  • OMG me too, so many similarities to my life that it made complete sense, I feel for you, I cant make friends, I am always over analysing what they think of me. I work with Learners who have ASD, im a study skills tutor, and mentor for university learners, My passion is music, I didn't get my degree till I was 42,  thought I was a failure. 

    im so glad im not alone, let me know how you get on with your assessment.

  • OMG me too, so many similarities to my life that it made complete sense, I feel for you, I cant make friends, I am always over analysing what they think of me. I work with Learners who have ASD, im a study skills tutor, and mentor for university learners, My passion is music, I didn't get my degree till I was 42,  thought I was a failure. 

    im so glad im not alone, let me know how you get on with your assessment.

  • I will! I'm a musician too (among my other many talents lol - special interests and all that).

    My job is my first foray into management and the service I work for is going through massive changes which means I'm having to relearn the job over and over. It's really overwhelming!

    I have an appointment on August 3rd to discuss my referral so, fingers crossed!