Does anyone else hate the Linux analogy?

Preface: I would do ANYTHING to be NT. ANYTHING. I hate having ASD and if there was a cure, I would take it without a second thought, because I would feel more feminine as an NT.

I especially do not like the analogy of NTs being Windows and NDs being Linux. I hate Linux. I don't want to be the nerd, the uncool one. I want to be Mac, a sleek, pretty, sexy Mac.

I hate the NDs are Androids and NTs are iPhones even more, and insist that it's the reverse, that NDs are iPhones and NTs are Androids, because iPhones are prettier, and I want to be the pretty, popular, feminine one. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Look. All the decent answers had already been made. I had little else left but a small joke.

    To explore your chosen Linux/android V iOS/I-phone metaphor, you miss the fact that BOTH have their fans, both have their advantages and drawbacks, and I, for one, avoid apple products like the plague. I consider the attraction superficial and expensive, and when I dipped my toe into I-players crucial functionality I rely on was missing.. 

    It follows that I find superficial and artificially attractive women, are NOT to my taste, (except perhaps to observe from a safe distance) and I select accordingly from the small number of women who's innate honesty and high functioning gives them something to really respect and which I find deeply attractive. 

    Of course someone who calls themselves "Dragster" and provides no "Bio" information may be one of the people who claims the political right of feminity rather than enjoys it intrinsically as a biological genetic female. In such a case, I am unqualified to answer "attractiveness" helpfully and can safely be ignored. 

    HOWEVER: One issue that we both share is our dislike of being NeuroDiverse!!

    But we are. And we have to either live with it, or face the consequences of choosing not to.

    When (as most of us thankfully do), we choose to live with it, the next question is how do we get to ENJOY the process for a change?

    YOU HAVE to get over that one, if you want to get into a sexual relationship that you can enjoy long term, because if you can't like yourself and excercise "give and take" with your own peccadillos, how do you expect to be able to cope with living with a mysterious stranger? A.K.A. If you don't find yourself lovable, how can you expect others to? (Discovering that you have lovable qualities is different to suffering from narcissism, where you know that you don't need to look!)

    Failing that. Start collecting and incorporating real virtues in you life like grace, stoicism, compassion and Generosity of spirit.

    It's not an easy task, I've been at it for decades and am still quite limited in my command of these and other real "silent virtues" but I have some and it does seemed to have made me considerably more "attractive" since I started..  

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