Terrified of work

I'm too exhaused to even type this. I have started a new job and its a completely different career from what I'm used to. Its librarian work which you would think would suit me and sometimes it does but im used to being a teacher and the change to a new career, particularly after how badly I was discriminated against in my last job and the effect that had on me, has absolutley floored me.
Since starting this job I have had so much fear every morning and evening and at the end of lunch breaks about going back. The wierd things are there are also times when i feel very calm there and enjoy the job.

Its difficult to describe the effect its having on me. the only time in my life I went through something similar was the change when I left retail to start teaching. Its very very hard to put into words what is going through my head but it is extremely painful 

Any advice would be needed. I know it might pass when I get used to the job but I dont think I can stand this pain and suffering in the meantime 

  • I'm sorry you're feeling this way but hey great job on getting this far and actually doing it. That takes a lot of courage and strength so well done you. I think it's natural to be feeling this way, it's not an easy thing to adjust to not I think you will adjust to the new routine. It just takes time. Make sure you take out plenty of time to unwind and chill. And we're here for you as in when you need any support :) 

  • Have you come across ACCESS TO WORK as they provide in work support to help to manage health conditions.


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