Were you ever told you that you were exaggerating when you were discussing your problems?

Not sure if anyone has experienced this, but personally I’ve been accused of exaggerating or overreacting to a problem that seems justified in my view. I think people don’t pay attention to the whole story and make assumptions about a certain background as if it is normal. Unfortunately they cannot speak for all of us as one’s experience may completely differ from another’s.

I ain’t got much else to say, so I’ll just leave it here.

  • It's so impossible for anyone to really understand another person's experience because words can never communicate something properly. People don't say it to my face I don't think, but I know when I say I can't do something they're sometimes thinking I'm just being soft or lazy or whatever. 

    If I can't even understand why I find something overwhelming, what chance does anyone have who isn't inside my head? 

  • Agreed. People will tend to offer unsolicited opinions without caring about our struggles. This is often I get very sensitive and even frustrated when they tell me what I should be doing and not to trust my own reality.

  • Agreed. People will tend to offer unsolicited opinions without caring about our struggles. This is often I get very sensitive and even frustrated when they tell me what I should be doing and not to trust my own reality.

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