Emotional/psychological attachment to objects/belongings

I was wondering today if this is an autistic thing.

I've spent several decades collecting objects and the last decade+ trying to rid myself of the majority.

However, I have given up on the idea of ever being minimalist.

I notice that I remember where everything came from, even, when purchased, which shop in which town.

I try not to be sentimental about things, but sometimes I can't help it.

My mother, who I believe was autistic, was a hoarder in quite an extreme sense.

My autistic friend finds it very hard to part with belongings.

Everything has an association.

Are others like this and are there contributors here who are genuinely minimalistic and don't have an attachment to things?

  • I'm the same. I have spent several decades building up 'stuff' and now have far too much but can't seem to part with any of it. 

    I too will remember exactly where each item was purchased and usually how much I paid for it. I hate wasting anything and if I part with it that is a waste of money. Of course leaving the items stashed away unused/unworn is still a waste.

    It is a mindset I struggle with and do have a tendency towards hoarding. Even worthless things like cardboard packaging I keep because I might need them if I move!

  • Even worthless things like cardboard packaging I keep because I might need them if I move!

    Yep, and I've got rid of things and needed them a year or so later, and wished I hadn't!

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