Am I steange?

Im autistic level 2 and DLD and mild intellectual disability. 

When I get overwhelmed I use different things to regulate. Sitting on the floor rolling a ball against the wall or sitting in the sofa and having a finger in my mouth or using a chewie thing.

I'm not allowed to speak about my disabilities it's family rules. I lived at home until I was 28 years old then in nursing home for 4,5 years. Then alone. But still allowed talk about my problems for my parents. I'm forbidden to play with toys but I so want to. I was not allowed using pacifier after age 12 year old.

I love to play with Lego. I want to go swinging and playing in sand but it's forbidden as adult to do Cry. I love splashing in water with my hands.

I'm bodily function disabled. I can or control my bladder never could in my life. 

Parents say I'm stupid and wrong and not good. I must feel ashamed for all my problems. I trou leave eating correct it's hard getting food in my mouth but manage that but usually cry because my sweater gets dirty. Am I wrong or strange? 

  • A parent that tells their  child they are stupid, even when they do have an intellectual disability, raises concerns for me.

    obviously if you’re playing with toys is in someway destructive or unhygienic I could understand why there might be objections, but it seems vindictive to deny you the opportunity to use things that are helpful ways of removing stress and that are ultimately harmless.

    there are after all serious adults who play with Lego. Some even make a career out of it.

    it’s also extremely concerning that your family is trying to prevent you talking about your disability. I would imagine but you have a lot of frustrations relating to your disability and that talking about them is therapeutically necessary.
    It also suggests that your family might be suggesting that you are in some sensE something for them to be ashamed of. And lastly it suggests that your family may not want the world to know exactly how they treat you and in particular how they manage your disability. That last point is extremely concerning. Because whether or not their behaviour towards him is abusive, their insistence on secrecy suggest to me that they’re concerned some might view it that way.

  • My parent never admitted my disabilities they just deny it. 

    My toys are lean and we'll look after. I love to just be on the floor playing it's so relaxing. 

    Building Lego all day would be dream me to but it's expensive models. I would love 10 kg of Lego that would be heaven to me. 

    My parents think I'm very childish when I get overload. I need alone time playing with my ball rolling it on the floor sometimes just just sit quiet having finger in mouth or something like that. It's feeling wrong write about it since parents told me not to since it's crazy stupid and wrong. 

    I write a little about my disabilities in blog I link to link in Instagram @autisticseb but I want to tell about my life somewhere but afraid being bullied and abused as I was in school for many years kicked to unconsciousness more times I'm afraid of that again happening.

    Thank you you reply here great 

  • My parent never admitted my disabilities they just deny it. 

    My toys are lean and we'll look after. I love to just be on the floor playing it's so relaxing. 

    Building Lego all day would be dream me to but it's expensive models. I would love 10 kg of Lego that would be heaven to me. 

    My parents think I'm very childish when I get overload. I need alone time playing with my ball rolling it on the floor sometimes just just sit quiet having finger in mouth or something like that. It's feeling wrong write about it since parents told me not to since it's crazy stupid and wrong. 

    I write a little about my disabilities in blog I link to link in Instagram @autisticseb but I want to tell about my life somewhere but afraid being bullied and abused as I was in school for many years kicked to unconsciousness more times I'm afraid of that again happening.

    Thank you you reply here great 

  • I have a swedish blog but what does that help. Swedish is my native language and blog sites are very hard translate. dont know how to do that. its here, Autistic Sebastian (

  • I think it would probably do you good to tell your story. I don’t think there’s anything embarrassing about playing with toys. Particularly not if you have a lot of anxiety and it provides you with some stress relief. Your parents obviously know that you are disabled because they’re treating you like a child telling you what you can and can’t do in your spare time what you can and can’t talk about but you were over 28.

    so clearly they think being a disabled adult means they can treat you like a child, yet they are embarrassed for anyone else to know that  you are disabled. that doesn’t sound like a healthy situation to me.