Life is hard

I find life as an adult on the spectrum extremely difficult.

It doesn't help that there's no support for adults. Go for support and then they set mental health services on you.

I wish there was proper support out there for autism.

I wish life was easier.

  • Nobody's giving me any support. And mental health services aren't interested in helping me either. It's not that they're under-funded or anything; they don't even try to help!

  • Nobody's giving me any support. And mental health services aren't interested in helping me either. It's not that they're under-funded or anything; they don't even try to help!

    Can I ask what you expect that support to look like please?

    I think you will find they do have very little funding for the volume of support that the community needs. I believe part of that is them not being able to recruit and train staff in the volumes they need because of the low salaries offered and the pressures that these jobs bring.

    In the scale of needs, the "low requirements"  or "high functioning" or "aspergers" (chose the label you prefer) people on the spectrum have largely got the capacity to self support if they apply themselves, so are largely de-prioritised by the support services.

    Not everybody has this capacity I realise but as a group we are probably low on the priority list for them and with good reason. Those with physical needs and much higher support requirements are the ones who should get the limited resources available.

    I know this opinion will not be a popular one, but it makes sense when you take others in higher levels of need into consideration.

  • If I were a paraplegic with down syndrome who also happened to be autistic, I think some support would be there but then again [removed by mod].

  • 1. You have the names, I invite you to do your own research, as knowledge you acquire for yourself is harder to dismiss out of hand, and the knowledge that you or any other diligent student after the truth might acquire I found causes cognitive dissonance and can be upsetting. 

    2. Shaping and influence european and other  societies, without having our informed consent and a mandate from us to lead these changes.. I've been working the problem of how do we stop this process for over twenty years, because it is a "fixing" type of problem, and those interest me. Essentially the solution I believe is not to invent new "truths", every six but focus on getting better at recognising and living in the one real underlying truth. OR as a very underrated saying pithily puts it, "Keep it real, folks" 

    3. Our current society. the fact that so many people now utterly believe the most wild and patently false conspiracy theories, because they simply lack critical thinking skills, which are an essential survival tool, and when they find out that outsourcing their thinking to "authorities" has led to them accepting a whole load of poisonous hogwash, suddenly find themselves cast adrift from reality even further! Because the whistleblower/alt knowledge field is just as infected with lies as the mainstream, people who lack critical thinking skills just swap one set of lies for another.. 

    4. No, and I thought only one of the two progressive thinkers I mentioned was "Jewish" (whatever that might actually mean) Although Barbra Lerner Spectre is super clear about what she thinks and explains how she sees the Jewish role in our problems, it's the systemic and organised dismantling of our way of life, and our casual acceptance of that which I find of particular significance, and the sneaky way it has been done which I find objectionable. If the leaders I cited happen really be both Jewish, well that's just a cohencidence!

    Keep asking questions and trying to get to the truth, and an awful lot of human current events start to make a lot more sense. The trick is not to lose your objectivity and fall into blamecasting, hatred or victimisation. We ALL make this world what it is, and the one thing that the "commies" have right, is that improving it will be take a  collective effort, But for all of us to play a part we ALL need to play a part, not outsource the effort to a few heirophants and then just slavishly obey their directions without further consideration.. 

  • the experiments being carried out by Barbara Lerner specter, Yuval Harari, and their ilk on our societies (why do we let them?) will start to bear less poisonous fruit than I've observed so far...

    Expand and explain please.

    I've gauged from reading their bios that they are both Jewish but I'm not sure what else includes them in your term 'their ilk'?

    So, I'd like to know please:

    1.  What are the 'experiments'?

    2.  What it is we are 'letting' them do, and how we can stop them, if required?

    3.  What is the 'poisonous fruit'?

    4.  Is their being Jewish of significance in your singling them out?

  • Reminder Rule 5

    "Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.  "

  • And that's why life is so hard currently for a lot of us.

    We are trying to live lives which are psychologically and politically divorced from the basic realities of life because we all listen to liars and give them "the benefit of the doubt" instead of shunning them as wiser peoples in other countries do..

    Currently the lie being pushed really hard across the whole integrated media system is that white Europeans have a history that we should be especially ashamed of.

    Why specifically single us out?

    Are we more brutal in our nature as alledged than other races? (An analysis of crime Crime and other social indicator statistics will give you that answer, dead quickly, and impartially) 

    WHO is singling us out? (never, ever, pursue an answer t that question, I did and I wish I had not. Seriously, don't ever do that.) 

    And more importantly, why is this happening? 

    I believe it is because to many of us are incapable of of identifying and resisting lies because it is a skill that is no longer routinely instilled in children, and strongly discouraged in adults.

    And we aren't going to fix that by hating each others "-isms", or refusing to deal correctly and rationally with people who hold opinions or knowledge that is different from our own.

  • It seems the least we as a society can do to redress a historical inequity to give women an equal chance, and that needs to start with bringing them up to parity in the workforce, so an adjustment period needs to happen.

    Well that experiment in "equalising employment opportunities" has been running now since before 1980, is it time yet to consider what results are we seeing? 

    Was the utter destruction of the human family unit, (which runs on pure sex-ism), our collective health and prosperity, (which depends on running a meritocracy, which in turn involves pretty much ALL the ism's if the selection process works to simply select the best person for the job), worth it?

    I was gaslighted about my own attitudes (largely formed by my early life school & religious training) for  years and years until I got the opportunity to travel regularly to another country, Germany and watched the process of lowering standards and open borders being repeated over there. 

    It's been fascinating, every time I've gone over there over the last twenty years I see more graffiti, less native Germans, less prosperity and they are just seeing and grumbling about the quality of their health care crumbling... And more of the woke propaganda being talked about. 

    I still hope one day that the experiments being carried out by Barbara Lerner specter, Yuval Harari, and their ilk on our societies (why do we let them?) will start to bear less poisonous fruit than I've observed so far...

    And to circle round to the original point, after 50 years of opportunity, why is the field of technical  innovation still so utterly male dominated? Could it be that despite 50 years of the best brainwashing our media can deliver, the reality is simply that men have more aptitude and hence interest in techncial and certain topics, and other areas are more suited to the female mind? 

    GASP! reality is inherently both sexist and racist .And reality has a great deal of other isms up it's sleeve too. 

    Clearly reality is itself politically incorrect and should be avoided as much as possible by the woke.

    The truth is out there...

  • 1. cultures that have contempt for us ... don't let them into the country ... (I can only end badly, and we have not got the 'badly' yet ... France is getting there)

    2. You insist that anyone who comes here lives by our rules.  Allowing them to grape children to appease them so they do not become violent is abhorrent.

    3. You apply the rules evenly, and openly and allow unfettered free speech.

    But the current left, who are using race as a mechanism to generate hate and division as a mechanism to gain powe (kinda like the 1930s german bad guys did), want to maximise racial tension as they see it as their route to overthrowing the existing power structure so they can take control.  That is what all this is for and they do not care how many suffer for it because they see themselves as so righteous that any price is worth paying.

  • doh .. i missed an important 'no' there! :-)

  • I have time for 'it is for a good reason' ... the police and labour councils turned a blind eye to the grapes of hundreds of thousands of British children because they didn't want to 'inflame racial tension'.

    So what practical steps do you suggest to remedy that particular issue. You have talked about broad strokes ("dont be racist", "equality under the law" etc) but if there is a simpler solution then I would like to hear it.

    The solution needs to incorporate the unpleasant truth that the communities repsponsible are insular, well represented in their own local poitics, have a pre-disposition to violent response to harsh action and many lives would be at risk if they became "inflamed".

    I'm genuinely interested if you have a strategy that can deal with this as what I have read about has left many senior commissioners at a loss for an effective plan, and it isn't because they don't want to enforce the law but rather because they are afraid of the consequences.

  • I have time for 'it is for a good reason' ... the police and labour councils turned a blind eye to the grapes of hundreds of thousands of British children because they didn't want to 'inflame racial tension'.

    So what practical steps do you suggest to remedy that particular issue. You have talked about broad strokes ("dont be racist", "equality under the law" etc) but if there is a simpler solution then I would like to hear it.

    The solution needs to incorporate the unpleasant truth that the communities repsponsible are insular, well represented in their own local poitics, have a pre-disposition to violent response to harsh action and many lives would be at risk if they became "inflamed".

    I'm genuinely interested if you have a strategy that can deal with this as what I have read about has left many senior commissioners at a loss for an effective plan, and it isn't because they don't want to enforce the law but rather because they are afraid of the consequences.

  • 1. cultures that have contempt for us ... don't let them into the country ... (I can only end badly, and we have not got the 'badly' yet ... France is getting there)

    2. You insist that anyone who comes here lives by our rules.  Allowing them to grape children to appease them so they do not become violent is abhorrent.

    3. You apply the rules evenly, and openly and allow unfettered free speech.

    But the current left, who are using race as a mechanism to generate hate and division as a mechanism to gain powe (kinda like the 1930s german bad guys did), want to maximise racial tension as they see it as their route to overthrowing the existing power structure so they can take control.  That is what all this is for and they do not care how many suffer for it because they see themselves as so righteous that any price is worth paying.

  • doh .. i missed an important 'no' there! :-)