Life is hard

I find life as an adult on the spectrum extremely difficult.

It doesn't help that there's no support for adults. Go for support and then they set mental health services on you.

I wish there was proper support out there for autism.

I wish life was easier.

Parents Reply Children
  • Nobody's giving me any support. And mental health services aren't interested in helping me either. It's not that they're under-funded or anything; they don't even try to help!

    Can I ask what you expect that support to look like please?

    I think you will find they do have very little funding for the volume of support that the community needs. I believe part of that is them not being able to recruit and train staff in the volumes they need because of the low salaries offered and the pressures that these jobs bring.

    In the scale of needs, the "low requirements"  or "high functioning" or "aspergers" (chose the label you prefer) people on the spectrum have largely got the capacity to self support if they apply themselves, so are largely de-prioritised by the support services.

    Not everybody has this capacity I realise but as a group we are probably low on the priority list for them and with good reason. Those with physical needs and much higher support requirements are the ones who should get the limited resources available.

    I know this opinion will not be a popular one, but it makes sense when you take others in higher levels of need into consideration.