Why is the government trying to genocide us

Why is the government trying to genocide us

  • If you’re talking about autistic people generally then I would suggest you don’t mistake indifference for malice. I think I said before the opposite of love is not hate it is indifference. bluntly indifference probably kills more people than hate.

    that said I think it’s very clear that the government is not particularly interested in preventing autistic people from being genocidaly wiped out.

    You remember the Crowter case where a  woman took the government The court for allowing people with down syndrome to be aborted late term purely on the basis that they have Down syndrome.

    I think the government has more or less decided it’s quite happy with the idea of parents using termination to remove handicapped and disabled people from the population. And since most people and probably the government too view autism as just another disability to remove from the population I have no reason to believe that when a pre-term test for autism is developed the government will prevent parents from aborting autistic children en masse for being autistic.

  • If you want my opinion, we, by which I mean autistic people, should jump on the anti-screening bandwagon before they have a test for us.


    just my personal view

  • Just to play devils advocate, despite being a special snowflake, I have to ask some days, what good am I?

    What have I done that justifies the suffering I have felt and inflicted on others? 

    It's become clear to me from the last three years of being here and observing, that Autism does not often make us productive, or pleasant people. 

    Why shouldn't we be screened out?

  • Just to play devils advocate, despite being a special snowflake, I have to ask some days, what good am I?

    What have I done that justifies the suffering I have felt and inflicted on others? 

    It's become clear to me from the last three years of being here and observing, that Autism does not often make us productive, or pleasant people. 

    Why shouldn't we be screened out?

  • I could go with the standard arguments about all life has value and so on and so on. But how about this instead. humanity needs an antidote to hypocrisy and pragmatism. A counterbalance to the forces of social cohesion that push human behaviour into homogeneity that foists upon society whatever pragmatic compromise the most people can live with regardless of how unfair or sub optimal it might be.

    you may have heard of the incompetence theory. The notion of a world where human beings don’t need to be competent anymore where intelligence is no longer viewed as a virtue? we already live in a world where honesty, directness, rigid adherence to an ideal or principle, Blunt and honest appraisal of the facts, these are already seen as vices by society. Imagine what kind of world we would live in if there wasn’t any counterweight any pushback against that social cohesion principal.

    it might be very comfortable for some but it would be brutal to the few who happened to be small enough in number for society not care about.

    we know that left her own devices most people will go along with the crowd no matter how amoral the crowd is. autistic people are no Saints. But at least our immorality is usually entirely our own rather than a meme we’ve copied from society. We don’t usually go along actions that make us morally uncomfortable just because society expects it of us.