Authority/Confontation Issues

I've always been curious:

Does anyone else have a hard time with authority? 

I buckle to anyone whose labeled authorative to me. 

I don't know if it's nature or nurture but rebelling or even speaking up against a boss, parent, old memeber of the family ect feels so SO wrong and uncomfortable. Really I'm such a people pleaser, confrontation in general feels shameful!

My mum raised me and my sister to be good, be quiet and be polite. Good standard stuff. But by the time I was a teen my mum's friend tried to inspire me to chase my dreams by trying reverse psychology ans tell me I'm too thick and there's no money in my desires feild. I didn't question it. I thought she was saying the normal thing adults say. My place in the world was shaky after this. 

What about confrontation? Even bullying? 

I found I passivly stood between the threat and my friends. 

I've always been scared of what happens if I fight back! 

  • hey Maggie, I'm exactly the same. it's a real problem, currently I'm stuck in a sittuation where I'm going to have to move soon(ish) so I won't be able to keep working where I am (I'm moving off the island I've lived on my entire life and where I work) and it took me so long to tell my boss, because I always find talking to people in authority difficult because I find them really intimmidating, and I don;t know why.

    but i'm finding it really difficult to ask for days off to go and look at new places to work because I don't want to have to ask for things from my boss. and everyone is just telling me to take all this time off because I've been working there for like 6 years and am yet to get minnimum wage and I've been 'self employed' this entire time so I never got payed time off or payed sick days and have been having to pay my own tax, because it's a better deal for the boss and apparently that's all I care about.

  • hey Maggie, I'm exactly the same. it's a real problem, currently I'm stuck in a sittuation where I'm going to have to move soon(ish) so I won't be able to keep working where I am (I'm moving off the island I've lived on my entire life and where I work) and it took me so long to tell my boss, because I always find talking to people in authority difficult because I find them really intimmidating, and I don;t know why.

    but i'm finding it really difficult to ask for days off to go and look at new places to work because I don't want to have to ask for things from my boss. and everyone is just telling me to take all this time off because I've been working there for like 6 years and am yet to get minnimum wage and I've been 'self employed' this entire time so I never got payed time off or payed sick days and have been having to pay my own tax, because it's a better deal for the boss and apparently that's all I care about.

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