Authority/Confontation Issues

I've always been curious:

Does anyone else have a hard time with authority? 

I buckle to anyone whose labeled authorative to me. 

I don't know if it's nature or nurture but rebelling or even speaking up against a boss, parent, old memeber of the family ect feels so SO wrong and uncomfortable. Really I'm such a people pleaser, confrontation in general feels shameful!

My mum raised me and my sister to be good, be quiet and be polite. Good standard stuff. But by the time I was a teen my mum's friend tried to inspire me to chase my dreams by trying reverse psychology ans tell me I'm too thick and there's no money in my desires feild. I didn't question it. I thought she was saying the normal thing adults say. My place in the world was shaky after this. 

What about confrontation? Even bullying? 

I found I passivly stood between the threat and my friends. 

I've always been scared of what happens if I fight back! 

  • ah i think im opposite...

    i mean i try and please authority and try and stay on the right side of the law and do everything by the books, but i still end up against authority figures because despite doing everything to the letter of the law the authority figures always end up taking offence at you in some way and making you out as still unlawful.... sometimes you cannot please authority and they are there to be overly authoritive to the point you cant please them... when i get into a position where i have done everything they want and yet they are still not pleased i think i reverse my behaviour and become the opposite and resist and do everything they dont want, thus they first will have me perfect doing anything they want, obedient and loyal, but their actions and ignorance then flips me to being super rebel and their worst nightmare.... i guess logic of the story with me is they should be pleased with people doing what they want and any ungreatful attitude and ignorance of ones obedience will make them lose that obedience.

    as for bullies yeah i resist.... basically anything negative i full on resist...everyone has a chance to be cool with me until they personally miff me off.... i mean even a criminal dodgy bully type i could be friends with and get along with, but if they act up or do anything against me personally then they get nowhere with me lol then they usually will get offended as theyd likely have thought themselves above me and it often shows them up when a guy like me doesnt give them power when they play up.

    ive always been a outcast pariah anyway so i never cared about consequence.... i mean with my boss though at work i had slightly more care but i dunno i get to a point even then i flip if they act up on me. so i even reported my boss and made big changes at work including getting his girlfriend fired too all because of him playing up against me lol

  • ah i think im opposite...

    i mean i try and please authority and try and stay on the right side of the law and do everything by the books, but i still end up against authority figures because despite doing everything to the letter of the law the authority figures always end up taking offence at you in some way and making you out as still unlawful.... sometimes you cannot please authority and they are there to be overly authoritive to the point you cant please them... when i get into a position where i have done everything they want and yet they are still not pleased i think i reverse my behaviour and become the opposite and resist and do everything they dont want, thus they first will have me perfect doing anything they want, obedient and loyal, but their actions and ignorance then flips me to being super rebel and their worst nightmare.... i guess logic of the story with me is they should be pleased with people doing what they want and any ungreatful attitude and ignorance of ones obedience will make them lose that obedience.

    as for bullies yeah i resist.... basically anything negative i full on resist...everyone has a chance to be cool with me until they personally miff me off.... i mean even a criminal dodgy bully type i could be friends with and get along with, but if they act up or do anything against me personally then they get nowhere with me lol then they usually will get offended as theyd likely have thought themselves above me and it often shows them up when a guy like me doesnt give them power when they play up.

    ive always been a outcast pariah anyway so i never cared about consequence.... i mean with my boss though at work i had slightly more care but i dunno i get to a point even then i flip if they act up on me. so i even reported my boss and made big changes at work including getting his girlfriend fired too all because of him playing up against me lol

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