Is this site always like this?

I am new to this site and after such a long time struggling and not fitting in, I thought I had found a place where I do fit in and can be me. (Which is a big deal). I am struggling to deal with how being misdiagnosed for many years has left me and felt this was a safe space to ask questions and relate to others.

I am unfortunately a unicorns and rainbows girl, I hate toxicity and arguments and do anything to avoid them. The arguments I have been seeing on here in my short time, are these regular or is it just a blip? Sorry to sound wet or judgey but I need to know, as someone just setting off on this new journey of discovery I need to feel like I am in a healthy space here.

Makes me sad to think I may have to leave here and have nowhere to go for advice. Anyway those of you who have given me advice or comments thank you it has been greatly appreciated. Please do not be too mean to me in the comments, I am sorry I feel this way. I wont read them and will come back in a week and see how things are on the forum. 

  • Hi there, I hope you had a good week by the time you get back to these. I've got no helpful input but I'm coming from a similar position to you. Although I dress grungy, I'm actually (not so) secretly a rainbows and unicorns person (albeit with a somewhat negative outlook on myself and life!) too and I'm scared of conflict, etc. It's reassuring to see others say that this isn't a usual thing for here because I'd been worried as well as a newbie, but hopefully we'll both see that this isn't how things usually are and meet some really nice people and feel part of the community in time too. 

  • Hi there, I hope you had a good week by the time you get back to these. I've got no helpful input but I'm coming from a similar position to you. Although I dress grungy, I'm actually (not so) secretly a rainbows and unicorns person (albeit with a somewhat negative outlook on myself and life!) too and I'm scared of conflict, etc. It's reassuring to see others say that this isn't a usual thing for here because I'd been worried as well as a newbie, but hopefully we'll both see that this isn't how things usually are and meet some really nice people and feel part of the community in time too. 

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