Telling people about my autism


I was wondering who do I tell about my autism?  My family and some friends know but I am afraid to tell other friends as I feel I don't need to talk about it all time but I feel some people would understand me better if they knew. Especially because of some my behaviour such as repetition, masking and lack of patience, not being touched   


  • I told my brother, and partner.

    Nobody else needs to know iny opinion.

    Instead, I tell people the things I struggle with in the relevant moment. I.e: I struggle with noise sensitivity so I'm going to wear these ear plugs, or, sorry I don't like busy places so am not comfortable being there...etc.

    That way I convey my struggles without any stigma

  • I told my brother, and partner.

    Nobody else needs to know iny opinion.

    Instead, I tell people the things I struggle with in the relevant moment. I.e: I struggle with noise sensitivity so I'm going to wear these ear plugs, or, sorry I don't like busy places so am not comfortable being there...etc.

    That way I convey my struggles without any stigma

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