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Low libido - really struggling


I tried to add a follow up post to one I had already made around this issue but couldn't figure it out so apologies

My partner's continued low libido due to taking medication is absolutely destroying me

I'm finding it so hard to cope, this is causing messed up sleeping, stimming by punching my head and really making my relationship with my partner so difficult. 

We have been lucky to get away to some nice places recently and I would have thought the change of scenery, nice hotel rooms, fancy clothes etc would have being a catalyst for intimacy but I'm left feeling destroyed after them because nothing happens and I feel even worse because I allowed myself to hope of something happening and this dashing of hope is one of the worst things

I allow myself the possibility of intimacy, even fantasize about it but when it doesn't happen it destroys me

I do appreciate its not my partner's fault and I struggle to not take it personally, but it still leaves me devastated that I can't even turn my partner on, it tanks my self esteem and makes me feel disgusting. 

After every rejection I feel like my heart's being ripped out. 

It even got to the stage where I was ready to give up, just to stop trying because what's the point??? The damage to me mentally because of constant rejection is piling up. 

It even got to the stage I was planning on not watching my partner get dressed to avoid the possibility of being turned on 

I feel this is a pretty Ducked up thing to do and goes against how I normally behave but I'm torturing myself by keeping trying , am I meant to just pretend I have no drive either??

I feel sick , get moody , struggle to sleep after every rejection. 

The only saving grace is me and my partner communicate about things pretty good, but conversations around sex are becoming 'im getting sick of having this conversation" but I feel as it not been resolved of course we are going to have this conversation over and over again. 

I love my partner to the moon and back , I truly do but I'm at a loss here, I don't want to lose them over a intimacy issue that's not really there fault. 

I discussed with my partner about speaking with their doctor around their medication and that went down like a lead balloon, I get my partner's condition is their priority and I'm not asking them to sacrifice their health for the sake of intimacy, I'm asking that the issues that are being caused by the medication are highlighted to the GP and see if there is there is any thing that could be done differently, to me that seems like a reasonable request but my partner's reaction to me suggests otherwise?

However I can't see that happening, so I'm left in limbo. 

This is months and months of near constant rejection, yes we have had spells that have been better but they never last and then I'm back to feeling hopeless and hurt again. 

I have no one to turn to, constant communication about this to my partner is going to be seen as pressure and I feel could possibly damage our relationship long term

I don't see a path forward, I'm totally at a loss and I would appreciate all your  Thought balloon Pray


  • Beware Mr. NAS80814 that we have incels in this forum and they will vote for pushing women to have sex even when they are depressed af or not wanting it at all. Probably this is not a great place to get an advice. STOP PUSHING A HUMAN WHO'S GOING THROUGH A HARDSHIP IN THEIR LIFE TO SATISFY OR SUPPORT YOU!!

  • but yet you got offended at me saying a man should refuse a woman sex when she wants it?
    so it seems you want to force men to have sex against their will when women want it and if they refuse they are evil and sexist?

  • It's not that men cannot refuse to consent (bc ofc they have that right too), the issue with the second part of that reply

    when she gets off meds and gets horny you should ignore her and tell her your not interested for months lol

    is that it's terribly unhelpful advice to encourage uneccessary spiteful behaviour in another persons relationship. A relationship which you don't have to suffer being in, or suffer the break up of, if it gets messy. So offering up potentially incendiary advice wasn't very responsible or kind to the OP either.
    The first part

    hang in there, she cant be on the meds forever right... can she? .. its not permanent meds is it?

    was perfectly supportive and fine, and could have been left there. And honestly if you had left it on that positive tone I actually would have upvoted it.

  • It's not that men cannot refuse to consent (bc ofc they have that right too), the issue with the second part of that reply

    when she gets off meds and gets horny you should ignore her and tell her your not interested for months lol

    is that it's terribly unhelpful advice to encourage uneccessary spiteful behaviour in another persons relationship. A relationship which you don't have to suffer being in, or suffer the break up of, if it gets messy. So offering up potentially incendiary advice wasn't very responsible or kind to the OP either.
    The first part

    hang in there, she cant be on the meds forever right... can she? .. its not permanent meds is it?

    was perfectly supportive and fine, and could have been left there. And honestly if you had left it on that positive tone I actually would have upvoted it.

  • ah now i see lol

    its multilayered comment that can be read many ways. probs all which will still be take bad lol
    in one way your proving that the abstinence didnt effect you and you can last longer than her and was totally cool with it and her asking for it is a show that she is the one pestering you for it. and in another case theres also the whole myth that women are more attracted and will want the person more who is hard to get and rejects their advances, so a refusal of sex would likely raise the libido more if that myth is true. and ofcourse the most glaring point of being mirror treatment/reciprocal treatment which i tend to naturally do alot. treat others how they treat you, which has a issue with it in that your perception of how one treats you maybe worse than how they actually treated you lol