BBC Piece

I saw this online and thought I would share. It seems our voices are being heard but they are still speaking for us to a certain extent:

I know plenty of people likely on the spectrum, mostly creatives, that work in TV. They should ask us to make programs for them!

  • I kinda agree on the lack of support - having to wait 2 to 3 years for a diagnosis on the NHS means that there will be many who self-diagnose while on the wait list (like me) and who then have to go through the heartache and confusion alone.

  • Even with a diagnosis, I'm sorry to say, you are still left high and dry. Since I got diagnosed in 2020 nobody has checked back to see if I'm ok or offered any help. Not a single person

    It's a really bad state of affairs. The rollercoaster you are left to deal with is a long road with many questions

    Thank f for this forum tbh

  • Even with a diagnosis, I'm sorry to say, you are still left high and dry. Since I got diagnosed in 2020 nobody has checked back to see if I'm ok or offered any help. Not a single person

    It's a really bad state of affairs. The rollercoaster you are left to deal with is a long road with many questions

    Thank f for this forum tbh

  • Same here. Seemed to shake my sense of security totally out of alignment. Don't even feel like I fit in when I'm alone anymore. Quite the trip

  • Sorry to hear that.  MH services in general on the NHS are an absolute joke. I know for me, when I finally confirmed (for myself) that I am autistic, it led me down quite the rabbit-hole and shattered any grasp I had on social interaction.  Still trying to piece together a way to usefully socially interact.