I HATE vapes. Anyone else agree?

My body cannot tolerate vapes. Like if someone uses a vape in front of me I just start gagging because of the SMELL. To me it's the most disgusting artificial smell and makes me feel physically ill. I was like this with air fresheners when I was younger but vapes are ten times worse.

At work recently someone used a vape indoors and I reacted (gagging, coughing, feeling horribly ill, having to stumble outside). This person was like "it's just a vape!" when I explained why I'd reacted so horribly (after going outside). I felt quite alone and weird.

The amount of people who use vapes indoors at gigs now is a genuine problem for me too, the guards are generally useless with stopping the vapers so I find myself constantly running away from vapers...

I'm sure vapes must smell nice to a normal nose... but I'd obliterate them from the earth if I were prime minister for a day. Anyone else get me with vapes? 

  • This might sound strange, but as a smoker, I dislike the smell of tobacco. Given the choice, I would rather have the smell of fruity-smelling vapour wafting in my direction, than tobacco smoke. 

    For existing smokers that have been unsuccessful in kicking the habit, I consider vapes to be a good thing. To those not in the know, vaping liquids (or salts) are available in a variety of nicotine strengths. The idea is to obviously reduce the nicotine strength to zero, and then stop vaping altogether.

    In addition to vapes being available in a variety of colours, many of them produce ridiculously large clouds of vapour, which is possibly why so many youngsters think it is cool to take up vaping. Even the vaping liquids used with vapes can look enticing. Not so long ago, I happened to watch something on the news about schools having to resort to installing vaping detectors, due to a worrying increase in youngsters taking up vaping. 

    It surprises me that there are venues allowing people to vape indoors. It's not yet known if vaping causes long-term health effects to vapers, or indeed to anyone else. Therefore, I believe the existing laws that apply to smokers, should be applied to vapers as well. 

  • For existing smokers that have been unsuccessful in kicking the habit, I consider vapes to be a good thing. To those not in the know, vaping liquids (or salts) are available in a variety of nicotine strengths. The idea is to obviously reduce the nicotine strength to zero, and then stop vaping altogether.

    This is my issue with vaping, it went from a smoking cessation aid to a trendy thing that people think they can just do endlessly in leu of actual cigarettes.

    Thing is even on 0 nicotine it's still just a silly habit paying money to regularly be puting something in your body that doesn't belong there and you don't need to do it. No health pros, only cons.

    I never got to 0 myself tho, tbh I got down to a 3, then just went "nah I don't want to spend any more money on this s**t". A very difficult 3 weeks of my life, but that's what happens when you kick an addiction to anything, gotta stop %100 or else you're still an addict.

    The otherthing is being autistic I didn't realise at the time that the actions/movements involved hand and oral were covering a lot of stims I should have just been able to express naturally. Now I blow my money of fidget toys but at least they are good for me lol.

  • This! In my twenties I used to smoke 40 a day, and looking back, I firmly believe that (yes, along with nicotine addiction) it was heavy stimming combined an excuse for a break from the office environment and its enforced socialising. If possible it'd be good for people to stop smoking or vaping, but it really is a brilliant stim. (PSA - please don't start smoking or vaping to stim!). Don't regret giving up at all, but I do sometimes "miss" it.

    Vapes are an olfactory assault on others though. I find it far more offensive than smoking. And they're definitely damaging to health long term, though good short term as a smoking cessation technique.

  • This! In my twenties I used to smoke 40 a day, and looking back, I firmly believe that (yes, along with nicotine addiction) it was heavy stimming combined an excuse for a break from the office environment and its enforced socialising. If possible it'd be good for people to stop smoking or vaping, but it really is a brilliant stim. (PSA - please don't start smoking or vaping to stim!). Don't regret giving up at all, but I do sometimes "miss" it.

    Vapes are an olfactory assault on others though. I find it far more offensive than smoking. And they're definitely damaging to health long term, though good short term as a smoking cessation technique.

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