I HATE vapes. Anyone else agree?

My body cannot tolerate vapes. Like if someone uses a vape in front of me I just start gagging because of the SMELL. To me it's the most disgusting artificial smell and makes me feel physically ill. I was like this with air fresheners when I was younger but vapes are ten times worse.

At work recently someone used a vape indoors and I reacted (gagging, coughing, feeling horribly ill, having to stumble outside). This person was like "it's just a vape!" when I explained why I'd reacted so horribly (after going outside). I felt quite alone and weird.

The amount of people who use vapes indoors at gigs now is a genuine problem for me too, the guards are generally useless with stopping the vapers so I find myself constantly running away from vapers...

I'm sure vapes must smell nice to a normal nose... but I'd obliterate them from the earth if I were prime minister for a day. Anyone else get me with vapes? 

  • I used an e-pen for a few weeks to stop smoking, and a small pen type vape. I did it at home in the garden, never near anyone else, and I didn’t need it for long.

    I find people vaping in public just as disgusting as smoking. The flavours are appalling, and I hate the thought of what I smell has actually just been in someone’s lungs. I don’t like it. 

  • Nope. As far as I can tell some of my habits are akin to a stim of which I have many. If they are stims…..

  • I don’t know I tend to lean more on the side of science and facts. I mean tobacco is a natural plant just like cannabis but it also causes lung cancer and addiction. I didn’t know there has been a cure for cancer since the 1950s I didn’t see that on the news or the cancer research website. I know the government gives chemotherapy which is scientifically proven whereas CBD oil isn’t. They also say cannabis helps children with autism but it doesn’t as I had a friend who smoked it and it made him a worse person. He was less kind, more aggressive, psychotic. He was no longer the friend I knew and loved. That plant did that to his brain, he was a shadow of himself.

  • I have just read the following article (see link), on the topic of a UK government crackdown on under-age vaping. What I had previously been unaware of is that due to a loophole in the law, retailers have been able to give free vape samples to children. Whilst I consider it a good thing that the government plans to get rid of that loophole, the fact that it exists beggars belief, especially as it's been a good few years since vapes were available to buy in the UK.


  • I don't like them at all. They smell horrible and can be smelt from a distance. Very unpleasant, more so if you have hyper sensitive sense of smell.

    The teens at school do it, looks and smells horrible but it looks cool (apparently) so they are all trying it at the moment.

    I wish it would be banned.

  • Yes, Satya Nag Champa is good . That has a very creamy , gentle smell and there is the Nag Champa that burns like an oil , I would avoid that, It's horrible. Ravi Shankar was amazing . It sounds like you're in an Indian Restaurant but it's very nice to listen too.

    When my Dad was diagnosed with Cancer the Doctor mentioned CBD oil. I had no idea what that was and I started to look into it . I asked the Doctor why she had recommended something that is effective at killing cancer cells but you are unable to get it in this country in it's purest form . She simply said , It's just a recommendation , which I thought was very odd. 

    To be honest with you , I believe nothing the Government , Healthcare professionals and Psychologists  say. I know Cannabis helps with children with severe Epilepsy and people with Parkinson's. There was one Mother I remember who decided to grow her own Cannabis plants to help her Epileptic daughter because the Government wouldn't assist her . 

    They have had a cure for Cancer since the 1950's but Pharmaceutical companies make so much money by the manufacture of medication they will demonise anything that has natural health properties.

    But it's all personal opinion. Some agree , some don't . The beauty of it all is self education and learning  

  • Wow I have never tried nag champa but I have heard it is a good one. I think there’s a relaxing song called nag champa if I remember correctly. I’m the same I don’t do either, maybe it has health benefits medicinally but I know that it can cause psychosis in some people and can even lead to developing schizophrenia later in life if you smoked it before the age of 25 when the brain was still developing. It may even cause cancer if smoked, but they don’t know for sure yet. I suppose it’s taking a risk like anything in life. More research needs to be done probably.

  • Nope. And as far as I can tell it and a lot of other bad habits (if I even have autism) become stims? Not sure but….

  • Nag Champa Incense is really good. Personally, I wouldn't do either. I don't drink and I don't smoke but I know that the Cannabis plant has health benefits . I know it can kill cancer cells and CBD oil also has health benefits, not the CBD you can buy in this country but in the US they have better quality CBD. 

  • Oh yeh Incense sticks are quite good, I tried the stress relief ones they smell nice. I don’t think smoking has ever been as popular since the smoking ban came in. I’d say alcohol is probably safer than cannabis though all round. But I guess the government is trying to tell everyone not to do anything almost because nearly everything has negative health effects. 

  • Completely agree. If they want to poison themselves that's fine but they shouldn't be smoking it around other people. It's like people who play loud music , it's a form of pollution. I like Incense and I use it quite often but not everyone does and it's , like everything , a personal choice but people are not always considerate to others. 

  • I hate the smell of cannabis, plus I seem to smell it everywhere I go now. If they want to smoke cannabis that’s fine but I don’t see why they have to expose everyone else to they’re poisonous second hand smoke. If anyone smoked that stuff around me I would just walk away or tell them I don’t like them smoking it near me. 

  • I remember it being a little brown block , almost like a tar substance and they would break it down into little bits and sprinkle it into the Tobacco then roll the cigarette. 

  • Yes, I believe you may well be right about the foul-smelling stuff I was referring to being called 'skunk'. 

  • From my time at college , I believe it's called 'Skunk' and it's the resin from the leaves of the Cannabis plant. People would smoke it near me but I was always curious about how it was prepared for smoking. I personally hated the look and smell of it but enjoy the incense fragrance of Cannabis . I've personally never consumed it in anyway myself but I believe Cannabis does have some health benefits .

  • Not sure if this will amuse you, but when I was in my late teens I had made some remark to a friend about the unusual air freshener her mother used, adding that I always felt happy and relaxed after visiting. My friend burst out laughing and informed me that the air freshener fragrance I was unfamiliar with was not an air freshener, and the reason why I probably felt so happy and relaxed was probably because of her dad's tendency to spend most evenings shutting himself away in the lounge getting stoned.

    Where I live, the younger generations seem to favour smoking some really nasty stuff. It's definitely not cannabis. Whatever it is, I find the smell so revolting that I feel compelled to cover my nose, as it almost makes me want to throw up. It lingers in the air for a good while afterwards.

  • The smell of Cannabis reminds me of Incense .