In my 50's finding out I have Autism & ADHD

I am trying to come to terms with this after finding out over a year ago. I'm a high functioning female I'm lucky because my workplace is supporting me with reasonable adjustments ie my workload, but this is making me feel worthless like I'm being carried my colleagues are great & don't feel this...I sometimes wish I didn't know, but then it's answered alot of questions from my childhood & adulthood. I am v close to my family but any mention of this hits silence...iv been assured by friends its maybe because they don't understand or know what to say. I understand this but I feel v isolated. I have joined this group in the hope that others understand...I have alot of traits for both ASD & ADHD.

  • Other than the fact I am still in the pipeline for diagnosis (albeit with 3 sets of screening under my belt, including RAADS-R which indicated a strong positive), and am male, this could very much have been written about me.

    From this perspective, I very much understand, especially the unanswered childhood/adulthood questions aspect.  My work is aware and are understanding, but I still have about 15m on the waiting list (according to the last time I checked in).

    The isolation is intolerable sometimes, and just hits other areas of my mental health.

    You are not alone, and neither, it would seem, am I. Slight smile

  • Other than the fact I am still in the pipeline for diagnosis (albeit with 3 sets of screening under my belt, including RAADS-R which indicated a strong positive), and am male, this could very much have been written about me.

    From this perspective, I very much understand, especially the unanswered childhood/adulthood questions aspect.  My work is aware and are understanding, but I still have about 15m on the waiting list (according to the last time I checked in).

    The isolation is intolerable sometimes, and just hits other areas of my mental health.

    You are not alone, and neither, it would seem, am I. Slight smile

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