In my 50's finding out I have Autism & ADHD

I am trying to come to terms with this after finding out over a year ago. I'm a high functioning female I'm lucky because my workplace is supporting me with reasonable adjustments ie my workload, but this is making me feel worthless like I'm being carried my colleagues are great & don't feel this...I sometimes wish I didn't know, but then it's answered alot of questions from my childhood & adulthood. I am v close to my family but any mention of this hits silence...iv been assured by friends its maybe because they don't understand or know what to say. I understand this but I feel v isolated. I have joined this group in the hope that others understand...I have alot of traits for both ASD & ADHD.

  • Welcome.  I was 56.  So many coming forward now are 40 plus.

    I do get the pull between needing the accommodation and being grateful when you get it, and the nagging feeling that you shouldn't need anything special.  But hey, at my age I also realise how much I have battled against the barriers without help all my life to get as far as I have.  I guess it's time I didn't have to have it so hard any more.  After all, I'm not getting any younger.

    As for your family, yeah it does sound like they just don't know what to do with the information.  Work on them slowly.  Could well be one or two more are also ND and might spot that in themselves overtime.

  • Hi 

    Thank you for your response I did not think anyone would.

    It's so nice not to feel so isolated...

  • Nah, you are far from alone. We're all hanging out here with similar issues. Hope we are helpful

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