In my 50's finding out I have Autism & ADHD

I am trying to come to terms with this after finding out over a year ago. I'm a high functioning female I'm lucky because my workplace is supporting me with reasonable adjustments ie my workload, but this is making me feel worthless like I'm being carried my colleagues are great & don't feel this...I sometimes wish I didn't know, but then it's answered alot of questions from my childhood & adulthood. I am v close to my family but any mention of this hits silence...iv been assured by friends its maybe because they don't understand or know what to say. I understand this but I feel v isolated. I have joined this group in the hope that others understand...I have alot of traits for both ASD & ADHD.

  • Good morning NAS87006, I am Number.

    Apologies for my little outburst assured that it is not my usual "mood music".

    Welcome to this place, and rest assured, that what you write of is VERY common to many of us - in terms of how family and friends not reacting !  It's the ultimate passive-aggressive play and yet I'm sure that, in the case of my family, there is no malice involved.

    When I have a bout of wondering why I either get no response or a negative response to a declaration of my autism (I only declare it VERY carefully and VERY sparingly these days).....I comfort myself by thinking "but what can they say?"  They don't understand and therefore definitely CANNOT know what to say.

    On the other hand, in this place, I have found that EVERYBODY understands !  It's glorious !!

    It is good that you have found this place and joined.  I do hope that you will find the comfort and connection that you seek here.

    I came here looking for hard data and more refined information about autism....both of which I have found......but I have also found some solid interpersonal relations (I think NT's call these friendships) I could not be happier.

    Stick around, join in - and hopefully be happy here.

    Kind regards


  • Good morning NAS87006, I am Number.

    Apologies for my little outburst assured that it is not my usual "mood music".

    Welcome to this place, and rest assured, that what you write of is VERY common to many of us - in terms of how family and friends not reacting !  It's the ultimate passive-aggressive play and yet I'm sure that, in the case of my family, there is no malice involved.

    When I have a bout of wondering why I either get no response or a negative response to a declaration of my autism (I only declare it VERY carefully and VERY sparingly these days).....I comfort myself by thinking "but what can they say?"  They don't understand and therefore definitely CANNOT know what to say.

    On the other hand, in this place, I have found that EVERYBODY understands !  It's glorious !!

    It is good that you have found this place and joined.  I do hope that you will find the comfort and connection that you seek here.

    I came here looking for hard data and more refined information about autism....both of which I have found......but I have also found some solid interpersonal relations (I think NT's call these friendships) I could not be happier.

    Stick around, join in - and hopefully be happy here.

    Kind regards


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