Sleep the best medicine

I have come to realise that sleep is my best medicine. All my life, i was worried about becoming over tired as i related it to feeling unwell. Now i know why. Regular meltdowns. I sleep, not because i am particularly depressed but simply tired and overwhelmed. I would visit the doctor and say; im so tired. The doctor would change my antidepressant. Now i dont need to visit the doctor because i now know why i feel like this. I have to have so much rest. 

I feel like i am "giving in" now to the fact that i am autistic; accepting it, and i dont seem to push myself as much. I am wondering if this is a good thing or not. I feel that i have been swimming against the tide all my life, and now i just want to float. But i have a nigly feeling of guilt sometimes. Does anyone feel the same? X

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  • It is something I only part understand. Like you in the past I have been to the doctors saying im exhaused. Have had tests done that found nothing physical. I suffered lots after loosing my dad during Covid, slept an awful lot then. I had a massive meltdown and I am still not the same 3 years on.  I would say that you should try and give yourself time to sleep and do things that relax you. I push myself much less now. I make sure I have one day at the weekend where I can lie in and not do much. Time, and sleep, are great healers. I have found that I go through good and bad times in my life. Things will change and I hope they will get better.