Mis-pronunciation of words

Those with autism often struggle to pronounce words (or regularly mispronounce them)  What is this called?  

  • I have the problem of both noticing other people mispronounce words and finding it difficult preventing myself  from correcting them. My bugbears include: 'sicth' for sixth, 'joolry' or 'joolery' for jewellery and the universal spread of the Cockney/Estuary English glottal stop, that replaces medial 'T' sounds; where water becomes 'wa*er' and bottle becomes bo*uw'.

  • Local accents are a thing of beauty

  • In their own region, but the glottal stop stops being part of a local accent when it is used, not in Wapping but in Doncaster or Ipswich. I like dialects, I know what, "Hoo's sufferin' from th'edwarch" and Ah've etten mi baggin in't shippon, past yon ginnel" mean.

  • In their own region, but the glottal stop stops being part of a local accent when it is used, not in Wapping but in Doncaster or Ipswich. I like dialects, I know what, "Hoo's sufferin' from th'edwarch" and Ah've etten mi baggin in't shippon, past yon ginnel" mean.

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