Mis-pronunciation of words

Those with autism often struggle to pronounce words (or regularly mispronounce them)  What is this called?  

  • I have the problem of both noticing other people mispronounce words and finding it difficult preventing myself  from correcting them. My bugbears include: 'sicth' for sixth, 'joolry' or 'joolery' for jewellery and the universal spread of the Cockney/Estuary English glottal stop, that replaces medial 'T' sounds; where water becomes 'wa*er' and bottle becomes bo*uw'.

  • This isn't about accents or enunciation but more about difficulty saying certain words and mis-pronouncing them (over extended period of time) which may be due to the way words are heard/perceived.

  • My autism makes me oversensitive to mispronunciations - which are part of accents and enunciation and speech impediments etc. - and also makes it difficult for me to ignore them enough not to comment. My previous comment here is therefore relevant to autistic processing of mispronunciations, but from the receiving, rather than the committing end. If you do not wish to engender a more general discussion of a topic, please make your strictures more obvious.

  • My autism makes me oversensitive to mispronunciations - which are part of accents and enunciation and speech impediments etc. - and also makes it difficult for me to ignore them enough not to comment. My previous comment here is therefore relevant to autistic processing of mispronunciations, but from the receiving, rather than the committing end. If you do not wish to engender a more general discussion of a topic, please make your strictures more obvious.
