Mis-pronunciation of words

Those with autism often struggle to pronounce words (or regularly mispronounce them)  What is this called?  

  • My mum always calls it tongue twister which sounds like it should be a kid's game lol :) 

    If I couldn't pronounce something she'd say that words a tongue twister.

    I struggle so much with pronouncing words. I think it may be why I'm mostly mute now as it really is something I find difficult at times.

  • My mum always calls it tongue twister which sounds like it should be a kid's game lol :) 

    If I couldn't pronounce something she'd say that words a tongue twister.

    I struggle so much with pronouncing words. I think it may be why I'm mostly mute now as it really is something I find difficult at times.

  • I think tongue twisters are phrases that are just difficult for *anyone* to say - like "she sells seashells on the seashore" or "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?"