ADHD: Private clinics exposed by BBC undercover investigation

Harley Psychiatrists (one of the clinics investigated) did my online ASD assessment via the NHS.

  • Harley Psychiatrists' response to the BBC Panorama Programme.

    A very interesting read:

    Any comments/opinions would be very welcome:

  • It is promising that they aren't taking this lying down.  They make sense in their rebuttal and seem to be measured, calm and reasoned.

    I think, on balance, the BBC have as many questions to answer as they do on this "piece".

    Panorama have done some great journalism / expose pieces in the past......but the way they have approached and presented this matter is decidedly dubious.

    BBC = Questions to answer.

    The clinic = Questions to answer.

    Debbie = Golden!  so I would try hard not to let this dent YOUR psyche (which is defo not dependent on a piece of paper.)

  • Thank you.

    You are very kind.

    I would try hard not to let this dent YOUR psyche (which is defo not dependent on a piece of paper.

    The trouble is that this and a recent reply to this thread have dented my confidence in my diagnosis and also made me question what it was that made my mother so 'different'.

    If it wasn't autism etc then it may have been schizoaffective disorder.

    I was under the impression that she was autistic but also had another condition.

    I will never know, of course.

  • ^^ these are some occurring differences, and ways to navigate as an "Example" - from everything I've read back in to the early 1900's, Schizoid 'Delusions' are simply add-ons to the Autism-Spectrum Neurotype. The added 'bonus' is this mechanism in the brain which works with the qualities of the Occipital Lobe and differentiates between being Daydream and Night-dreams, not quite operating correctly. 

    For instance, if the Delta Waves, which dominate while we sleep, are active while we're awake.

    Add these brain variations to an Autistic Hyperphant with their ability to see systems and the communication difference of the Autistic and making sense of the world becomes incredibly difficult! It's great there's a medication which can help. 

  • I do have some theories! And really, you could try them to see if they work, but you'd also need to rule out certain attributes that males and females in western cultures default to which get in the way.

    For start, everyone would need to take time to recognise how they thrive best - long protected uninterrupted space, in which case the other can become a gate-keeper and protector of - or bursts of breaks which the other can also become a facilitator of. 

    The element of interruptions is not a small detail and can be more important than finances. However, everyone wins with Dependability, Respectfulness and Always earning Trust (except when designated moments of burnout / regrouping occur). 

    Both work with Aion/Aeon rather than linear time. Which means we both can get stuck in a moment and need vigilance to be present in modern society. 

    Both are hyper-sensory which actually means you can sharpen your senses, best done one thing at a time and with taste or sound. Wine tasting / Album date-night Wednesdays for example.

    With ADHD, there's a forget and move on, which is fantastic in some ways and irritating in others haha

    With Autism there's an inability to forget and move on until the issue is fully resolved, which is also great in situations for an automatic drive and irritating. :) 

    So with the above, if I'm married to an ADHD'r, I'll have to print out a notice and tape it to my door: Today I'm: "STRESSED LOVE YOU ALSO PLEASE DON'T BUG ME" 

    Understanding the others strengths and limits is key to knowing what to expect and how to work with it!

  • Indeed.  More wise words.....and congratulations on your demonstrably sound relationship together.  16 years don't lie !  

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