Just been diagnosed at 49

I'm 49 yes and I've just been diagnosed with autism.

I feel the NHS as a whole has let me down, I have had problems through out my school and college days and got called Stupid alot whilst in Eduction and in personal time ie: HOME.

I now feel if had been diagnosed sooner I would not of been bullied as much I'd did and still do: it's just not fair Sob.


  • That’s a shame it must have been hard back in your day to have autism and for nobody to know there was even a name for what you had never mind how to help you. I was undiagnosed autistic all throughout school and I even feel betrayed by the system for not noticing it as well. I was 18 when I got my diagnosis so looking at your story makes me feel lucky I got mines so early compared to 49.

  • That’s a shame it must have been hard back in your day to have autism and for nobody to know there was even a name for what you had never mind how to help you. I was undiagnosed autistic all throughout school and I even feel betrayed by the system for not noticing it as well. I was 18 when I got my diagnosis so looking at your story makes me feel lucky I got mines so early compared to 49.

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