Just been diagnosed at 49

I'm 49 yes and I've just been diagnosed with autism.

I feel the NHS as a whole has let me down, I have had problems through out my school and college days and got called Stupid alot whilst in Eduction and in personal time ie: HOME.

I now feel if had been diagnosed sooner I would not of been bullied as much I'd did and still do: it's just not fair Sob.


  • Congratulations on your diagnosis.

    No, that stuff isn't fair. The NHS, whether general or mental health are STILL woefully ignorant about autism today. When we were the bullied kids, there was an excuse; not much was known about the subtle presentation esp in women. Today there is none. Staff have just not been trained.

    I don't blame untrained and ignorant staff, I blame the system that did not invest in their training in light of research.

    None of that will feel like much comfort to you, but I hope in time you will find that there is life enough for you yet to embrace and love your autistic self and stuff that label "stupid" where it belongs; down the toilet and flush hard.

  • Congratulations on your diagnosis.

    No, that stuff isn't fair. The NHS, whether general or mental health are STILL woefully ignorant about autism today. When we were the bullied kids, there was an excuse; not much was known about the subtle presentation esp in women. Today there is none. Staff have just not been trained.

    I don't blame untrained and ignorant staff, I blame the system that did not invest in their training in light of research.

    None of that will feel like much comfort to you, but I hope in time you will find that there is life enough for you yet to embrace and love your autistic self and stuff that label "stupid" where it belongs; down the toilet and flush hard.

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