Felling sick a lot?

Hi all,

I often feel really nauseous without actually being unwell. I have noticed this often comes after sensory overload, usually to temperature. Does anyone else get this? I guess my question is, is this an autistic thing and what can I do to stop it? 

Thank you!

  • This has happened to me on nearly every holiday I have been on, it’s normally about day two and I’m stuck in bed and physically vomiting. This lasts for about 2 days, I never understood why? Now I realise it’s a different routine, strange surroundings, different smells and temperature. Basically as you have said, it’s sensory overload. I love travelling to Italy, normally September is cooler and I now  study the hotel or apartment so I know exactly what it looks like and what food may be available. I keep hydrated and try to keep anxiety at bay by only pushing myself as far as I’m comfortable with. I often have a small thermos flask and keep iced lemon squash in it, the coldness of it gives me a sort of mental shake and calms me down.

  • I've been feeling nauseous a lot lately. It seems to come on when I spend a lot of time reading text, so I'm wondering if my glasses prescription (astigmatism) is slightly off. One eye does seem clearer than the other. I suppose it could also be the fact that my flat has been getting quite warm with the sunny weather lately. Until I figure it out, ginger tea and taking regular breaks helps.

  • It can be good to look into all kinds of things around this. Proper hormone balance essentially helps the body regulate temperature. It could be useful to have your thyroid checked or ensure iodine intake (fish, eggs). It could be good to take a hormone balancing supplement - I've been taking a blend since I can remember. 

    Then what about hydration. I supplement tap water with spring water which has a higher pH & make sure I get the sodium I need as well (but I have low blood pressure, so I need to mind this). I'll have a shot of raw cranberry juice a few times a week, which also helps.

    Then there's a possibility your clothing is trapping heat. Polyesters are petroleum by-products. They're a really tiny thread of plastic. Try wearing 100% linen or cotton. There's a company called Living Crafts who make high cotton count underwear as well. 

    There might be more things to look into as well. x

  • Thank you, I'll try those things 

  • I get this as well which maybe a burn out. Wintery cold weather makes me feel tired and not motivated. 

    To stop this look out of the window, drink water and try to do something calming. In the past I've thrown up.

    Today and tomorrow warm day. 

    Hope this helps you.

    Yin yang