I'm back into the diaspora

I fool myself into believing I am a functional person---but I am not.   All tasks involving my engagement with people seems to end in failure.  Despite  being married, that too has been an ongoing oppositional battle.  We tolerate each other.  I just had my 78th birthday and I am tired of leading this negative existance.  Hassle just seems to find me.  I'm not even sure my input now will be registered owing to a past NAS ID mixup I tried to sort out, but it too failed.  So now I'm  operating under a different ID which will be strange to any friends or followers I previously had engaged with.  

I am really at a low point.  Spilling out my guts to an anonymous crowd seems pointless to me.  I don't really know why I started this thread.  I initially thought I had found a home here, but that also went sour.  I'm not looking for sympathy.  I am clutching at straws trying to find my purpose while also trying to keep peace with my tortured soul.

  • OK.  Well you certainly sound like you needed to write all that down......so well done for finding the energy to do so.

    "Oppositional relationships" can be very fulfilling....a pain in the 'donkey' for sure (at times, or possibly all the time)......but it probably beats being alone all the time.

    I would be delighted to make it to my 70th birthday....or frankly, even my 100th birthday so long as I was still able to communicate as effectively as you do above.

    This place is fabulous in many respects, and in my opinion, a little cloud that supports and enriches me.....but this place is also well known for its somewhat archaic technology, user interface and general support architecture.  Accordingly, don't be hard on yourself regarding ID issues you are experiencing.....but also note that the service is run by volunteers and probably funded on pin money.....so don't be too hard on "them" either.

    Tell us how we know you - what is the ID you wanted?

    Chin up!  We're all here.

    Kind regards


  • Tell us how we know you - what is the ID you wanted?

    You knew me as Asperger Mike, and before that as  --- hello again!

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