Lonely but don't like people

Does anyone else feel like I do?
I feel lonely and desperate for friends to talk to but at the same time I don't like having to talk to people and I want to be at home with just me and my family and shut the world out and not have to see anyone or text anyone

It feels like quite a contradiction but so does much of my life

Also, I think its hard for me as I feel I can't truly be myself with most people, especially NT's 

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  • It's a site glitch, it throws up random threads, I see other people do it. necrobumps.

    No, riots to me are just silly, and a totally NT thing. GNR are musically something else...im doing a bit of deep dive into them. Axl vibe, is exactly what i identify with right now, he's rebelious, emotionally disturbed, strong headed, bold, abrasive and just the spirit of rock, the rest are good too lol, funny guys, very amusing, very 80's. I'm just at that place right now where he was, --the mid 80's phenomenon is very intriguing to me. You might see me smiling and nodding my head, but inside, im very, very pizzed off. With a lot of pent up energy, and its all over the place.

  • Me too man.   On both counts. No to riots, yes to GNR,

    There's nothing wrong with bumping old threads by the way if that's what makes you happy. Slight smile